Re: Royal William 1/48 scale

I have fitted the port cover right at the very front, I think this one was used mainly when employing the Anchor, also fitted a lions head for the tack to run through,

close up of the lions head, you cannot see it but there is a hole through its mouth for the tack rope to run through,

also finished the small bits just behind the figure head,

Port lid and lions head on the starb side,

a better view of the bitts,

and a clearer view of the starb lions head, the starb tack line would go through the lions mouth then up between the head rails and belay up above,

. best regards john.
next up is the ships wheel, I should have installed it when I was building the bulkheads, would have been a lot easier,

I was going to scratch build it but I happened to have two Amati 30mm wheels so I opted to use them instead, they are nice clean castings,

after making the stand and attaching the wheels etc,

and sitting in place behind the mizzen mast, I was'nt sure if it should have been a single wheel or a double, I had looked on the net and some showed single and some double so i used builders license and built it double,

and another view lower down,

thanks for looking in and all the comments and the likes,

best regards John.

Next up were the supports for the Channels, I cut several small blocks of wood a little oversize so I could clamp them in the vise, and used a small Dremel router bit to cut them to shape, this is the first couple of passes,

Thats the final depth,

then I used another Dremel router bit to round off the corners,

and then cut off the excess on the small saw,

Just got be cleaned up with some fine sandpaper,

best regards John,
