I had omitted the sails on most of my previous models. Including them on "Revenge" certainly added a lot of threading and knotting! One issue seemed to be getting the tension right between the 'active' lines of a ship under sail (sheets, tacks, bowlines) and the idle stuff such as buntlines and clew lines. I hope I have struck a reasonable balance. In general I got the sequence of adding spars, sails and rigging right with one or two exceptions. I added the flags as a final embellishment but getting the haliards down past all the other stuff to cleats at the foot of the masts was messy. With hindsight I should have added them earlier. They would then have acted as prominent markers for the top of the masts to avoid catching them when reaching over the model. There were some blocks attached near the top of the shrouds for routing the braces. I should have put those on earlier. Apart from these minor issues the rigging was not difficult and the OcCre intructions were quite explicit.
I decided to rig with the wind on the starboard quarter. This slightly reduces the distance between the hull and the wall so the stand is not too precariously near the edge of the shelf. It also gives the option of turning the model round occasionally to present a different view. With the wind on the quarter I assume the ship would heel so I have included (as a whimsy) a photo below with the stand tilted.
I notice that most models on the forum are mounted with the wind dead aft and the ship on an even keel. Very staid but not very dynamic! Has anyone actually made a display stand with the supports on a tilt?
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