Onto the planking now, but first a small job, the three bulkhead extensions in the waist area have to come out after the planking, so I cut approx just over half way through them from the planking side so that when you come to take them off it is easier just to cut from the inside to release them,

then cover them with some electrical tape to stop any glue contact between the planks and the bulkhead extensions,

first run of planks in place, at this time I have not put the cabin front in place as I may need to bring it forward because of extending the length of the hull,

close up view,

While I was waiting for the glued planks to dry I planked the front of the cabin bulkhead,

with this many planks in place I decided to check the carvings drawing against the hull, so far everything looks OK, I may have to move the front bulkhead of the cabin forward by approx 7mm where the red clip is behind the X,

and the carvings clipped in place, all seems to be fitting OK, so it will be on with the rest of the hull planking,
Thanks for looking in and remember any questions just ask,
best regards John,