Royal Caroline Box wood edition 1/30 scale modified to fit carvings, build by neptune,

Hi Neptune ... I want to run four strakes as per your photo showing the taped bulkheads extensions..It appears that the first (uppermost) strake is flush with the deck and just followed the sheer? Just want to be sure..building this puppy from log pics

Thank you john, here's a pic showing the inside of the deck, the positioning at this time is that it is nice and easy for aligning the planks with the tops of the waist stanchions, this part of the build is just to cover the hull with planks, it is after this is done that it becomes necessary to attach the wales exactly and to position the carvings etc in the right places.

and the forward section showing how it all fits together,

best regards John,
There are lots of parts in the kit that need gluing together, so while waiting for the glued planks to dry I get some of them glued up, such as carvings,

some of the ladders, the ladders are fragile and they need the holes on the sides cleaned out with some small files to make sure the treads fit in place OK,

and the four anchors,

best regards John.
Thanks Neptune..yes, that's my intention, so I can play around with the first strake follows the sheer? I'll figure the Wales later..will do in ebony.. I also extended the keel 35 mm as you suggested.. also reduced height of forecastle bulwarks by 6mm. as per Shipbuilder 65.. Just got a note from my old British backpack buddy. from the 70's. He left London and now lives in Sydney..says it 35 C right now!
Thanks Neptune..yes, that's my intention, so I can play around with the first strake follows the sheer? I'll figure the Wales later..will do in ebony.. I also extended the keel 35 mm as you suggested.. also reduced height of forecastle bulwarks by 6mm. as per Shipbuilder 65.. Just got a note from my old British backpack buddy. from the 70's. He left London and now lives in Sydney..says it 35 C right now!

G'day John, we had 40 C in Adelaide and its forecast for higher over Christmas, thank God for Air conditioning.

How is your build log going.

Best regards John,
Hi John,

Nice picture with the two RC's next to each other. Can you show the difference in length?
G'day maarten here are some pics, its hard to take the overhead one's hope they are ok,

I squared them both across the Stem,

Midship view,

and stern view,

Overhead view, you can see the difference in the waist and transom area's.

So if you push the top hull forward and line up the main mast holes and the cabin front it gives you the extra area for the boarding steps to go in, although I must admit that on your model you did a great job on this area and your boarding steps go up and over the top nicely. I may have to move the cabin front approx 7mm forward so will have to make a decision if I will move the mast forward by the same amount, will see what happens,

best regards John.


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So this is where I'm up to on the hull planking, so will take a change whilst the glue dry's,
these are the parts for the capstan,

after cleaning off the char and part assembling,

I forgot to mention earlier on that with the steps i cleaned out the side holes first with a 1.2mm drill bit and then enlarged them with a 1.3mm drill bit, then the little tabs on the side of the treads were just a nice tight push fit,

The grating parts came away nice and cleanly,

The coamings and gratings,

I picked up some ot these Tupper ware containers for a couple of bucks each, nice and handy for storing the assembled parts in,

thanks for looking in,

best regards John.
Hello Neptune(John) I am also John..gets confusing! So far, I have finished the Queen's launch and a few cannon carriages.. I opened up two compartments below deck and fitted them out with barrels,boxes,etc. The other similar with a table..ran some wiring for them.. Today I did the parquet floor for Queen's quarters and different floor design for the King's cabin. I removed most of the false bulkheads in the King's quarters and will detail that out..plan to have removable roofs to show cabin details.. Finished the table, chairs and cabinets. I paneled the fwd wall for Queen's cabin, but won't install it until I work out the carvings positions of the windows,gunports,etc, as I added 35 mm to the keel. I cut 6mm off the forecastle bulwarks .. I have a lot of balsa, so I I filled in the bow,stern and dead flats for better plank adhesion later on.. leave for FL in Jan ,so RC on hold til (our) spring. In FL, I'm scratchbuilding the WW1 cargo steamer OKESA and finishing up a Hahn style Hannah in cherry.. so I'll be busy! Taking lots of notes from the RC build logs,,build would be a bugger without them.. thanks to all..
Hello John. It is such a surprise to see that you are building your own extended version of the RC. For all of its faults, I still believe this is one of the best kits in the world and no one better than you to do her justice.
Hello John. It is such a surprise to see that you are building your own extended version of the RC. For all of its faults, I still believe this is one of the best kits in the world and no one better than you to do her justice.

Thank you Heinrich, and congratulations on your new Position.

Just to clarify a couple of things, I do not think the kit is too short, it is exactly to 1/30 scale as you can see when it is compared to and laid over the original draught, the problem is that when they have developed the carvings they have used a slightly larger plan, approx 1/27 - 1/28 scale so to get the carvings to sit along the topsides without having to cut and trim them to fit I have added the 35mm to bring the hull to the same length that the carving plan is, I know Rick thinks his RC is longer than the other kits but its not they are all the same length, anyway thank you for looking in,

best regards john
I've rearranged my hobby room and included another set of drawer's, Schnooky thought it was a new place for him to hang out,

close up,

well that's the first planking finished and sanded,

They give you eight pieces of wood strip to make up the wales, but I decided to cut some longer pieces so I could install them in one go, I also notched two holes in the stem for them to sit in,

I use this jug to heat the strips, after five minutes they bend just great,

first wale in position, I used some short brass studs to hold them in place these will be removed after the glue has dried,

both the wales in position,

I'm following Maarten's build as regards to the planks that go above the wales, so I made up a small section of the three planks to use as a gauge,

and I can just slide this along on top of the wales and with a pencil mark the top of the third plank, this is where the bottom of the long carved strip will go,

best regards John,
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Don't forget to reduce the thickness of the wales at the bow area so it is the same thickness of the adjacent strakes of planking and seats into the rabbet,. It should not stick out above the rabbet.
Don't forget to reduce the thickness of the wales at the bow area so it is the same thickness of the adjacent strakes of planking and seats into the rabbet,. It should not stick out above the rabbet.
G'day Allan, never heard of that before, how far back do they start tapering the wale,
Best regards John,
About 12-15 feet at most from the models I have seen but it depends on the size of the ship. I suspect it varied from ship to ship.
Quite a difference in lenght of the hull John if you see them next to each other.
Regarding repositioning the top wales and frieses it gives the model a much better appearence.
About 12-15 feet at most from the models I have seen but it depends on the size of the ship. I suspect it varied from ship to ship.
Allan the problem I've got is the wales are now glued and fixed with metal pin's, I think that I'm going to leave it as is, but thanks for the info,
Best regards John,
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