Russian sailing-screw frigate "Oleg" 1860.Scale 1:100

Олег начал выращивать мясо.Я начал понемногу приклеивать грубую кожу.пока по 5 досок с каждой стороны. Размер доски 4х1,5 мм.




Чтобы отвлечься от сумасшедшей политической ситуации, мы продолжаем строить фрегат.Установка первой обшивки идет полным ходом.Есть, конечно, незначительные неточности, но я думаю, что запаса по толщине кожи в 2 мм. достаточно, чтобы придать телу плавные контуры.Делая перерывы для души, я медленно рисую картину с прибрежным пейзажем.Я также успокаиваю свою нервную систему, общаясь с кошкой.

To take our minds off the crazy political situation, we continue to build the frigate. The installation of the first skin is in full swing. There are, of course, minor inaccuracies, but I think that there is a margin of 2 mm in skin thickness. enough to give the body smooth contours. Taking breaks for the soul, I slowly paint a picture of the coastal landscape. I also calm my nervous system by communicating with the cat.






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I hope you don't mind, but I couldn't help but noticing that some of your planks show not entirely smooth curvatures. Is that something you want to correct by applying filler?
Good luck and stay safe,
I'm afraid my Russian is a little rusty. :rolleyes: But the pictures speak for themselves. You certainly aren't wasting any time! As always, your craftsmanship is admirable. When planking I often have to come back and apply a shim here or there between the plank and the frame, or pop the plank loose from the frame and sand down the frame a little in between to keep the run of planks fair. At this point there's plenty of time to fuss over and tweak it. I remain an avid fan!
AND you paint. I like the furry happy campers.:D

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Greetings to fellow enthusiasts.I'm starting a new construction site.This time the choice fell on the sailing-screw frigate of the Russian Imperial Fleet "Oleg" The model will again be built from scratch on the development of a paper model, as well as drawings by A.A.Garmashev and M.L.Sokolov.The scale will be 100th.I have already sawed out the frames, the keel frame, the frame reinforcement frame.
Hallo @Mr.Deep
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Я продолжаю строительство. Грубая обшивка в работе. На нижней палубе приклеены поддельные орудийные маячки. Я попытался проехать через два порта. Я также приклеил две фальшивые колоды в местах, где будут лестницы на нижнюю палубу.

I keep building. Rough sheathing at work. Fake gun beacons are glued to the lower deck. I tried to drive through two ports. I also glued two fake decks in places where there will be stairs to the lower deck.






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Я спешу за радостной новинкой. Наконец-то я приобрел набор для сборки дракара у Павла Никитина. Однако это стоило немалой переплаты. Но я давно мечтал построить что-нибудь из кораблей викингов.Пока отложу строительство. Нам нужно поближе присмотреться к Олегу. Тогда, возможно, я открою отдельную тему для постройки дракара.

I hasten for a joyful novelty. Finally, I purchased a kit for assembling a drakar from Pavel Nikitin. However, this came at a significant cost. But I have long dreamed of building something from Viking ships. I will postpone construction for now. We need to take a closer look at Oleg. Then, perhaps, I will open a separate topic for building a drakar.








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Wow. Great progress.
Я спешу за радостной новинкой. Наконец-то я приобрел набор для сборки дракара у Павла Никитина. Однако это стоило немалой переплаты. Но я давно мечтал построить что-нибудь из кораблей викингов.Пока отложу строительство. Нам нужно поближе присмотреться к Олегу. Тогда, возможно, я открою отдельную тему для постройки дракара.

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So since between "Oleg" and your painting, you apparently don't have enough projects to keep you busy, you embarked on a new venture to fill in the extra time? Or is it your cat telling you you are too lazy and need to follow its example, get down to work and get busy!:rolleyes:

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Since I haven't kept up with my Russian, and am a wee bit rusty, the English translation is very much appreciated. Your fan, Pete:cool:
Мы продолжаем строительство. Закончили склеивать грубую обшивку корпуса. Я оформляю орудийные порты рейками. Я уложил куски нижней палубы, которые будут видны через люки трапов.

We continue building. Finished gluing the rough skin of the hull. I decorate the gun ports with slats. I have laid the pieces of the lower deck, which will be visible through the hatches of the ladders.








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Your cat's opinion notwithstanding, You are one hell of an industrious guy! I can't believe the pace of the progress on "Oleg". All very fascinating and engaging. I look forward to the "Drakkar" build! I find following you and your work, along with the historical research and background to be inspiring and fun! Thumbs-Up

( P.S. those sandals look comfy. ;) )
