San felipe 1690 zhl kit 1:50

Tnx for the advice. Asked for some walnut strips at the zhl store. Couldnt find oak so waiting for his anwer if he has it. Its cheaper with tax and delivery than buying the wood here.
Have removed the lower decks from the frames. Easy Job all clean laser cut so all the frames are intact. Almost no sanding needed. Putting the lower deck in place. Also not much sanding needed. All is dryfit. There will be 2 more decks added without planking. Only the top deck needs planking according to the plans. Tnx for watching

Today i fixed the reinforcments to the bow. Sanding together with the Bull number 1.2 and 3 to get a good shape for planking. Cut out the ribs 1 till 11 and glueing them on top. If you can count from 1 to 11 its andere easy Job. It fits needless again without sanding. Rib nr 1 has a hole in it so i made also the beginning of the other part of the circkle it was square as you can see at the pictures. As you can see rib 2 fits great without sanding. Really happy with this kit till now.tnx for watching

G'day Pat
You are going fantastic mate. These is one thing that you should do before you go too far. I would advise you to paint the block, decking and bulkheads matt black, so it would be harder to see inside through the gun ports.
This is a brilliant kit and I liked that the kit have a exact place to glue the blocks for the canons. The other non Chinese high end kits just say to glue blocks 14mm from the edge, as an example.
This is what some other kits manufacturers what you to do!
The more I see what ZHL does in their kits, the more I see what the others don't, but should do.
Have fun my mate and happymodeling.
Tnx for the advice. Every piece thats lasercut most of the time fits needless. Also all the little woodcubes fitted without sanding them. Verry happy with this kit till now. Hope i can save enough money when working on this kit and the wilhelm to buy another kit from zhl. Like the soeverein or soleil royal or caroline. Dont think i buy european any more. This all fits so good that it is almost playing with lego. Maybe i Do little bit planking around the blocks where the cannons will be placed. Tnx for watching.
I’m assuming you going to double hull plank. Its only my spin but for the first planking I use box wood. It a little thicker, It steams or soaks well, shapes and sands fine. As for the glue marks sand or rub smooth your going to cover the first planking anyway. The key is your planks are smooth and you have good clean hull lines. (shape) If your going with the natural stained look, which I happen to be a major fan of Mahoney or walnut strips stain very nice. For the second planking I prefer to use .05 mm stripes. Again, we all have our own way of doing hull planking, so this is just my take. MOG