Santissima Trinidade 1:90 Scale OcCre


I finally have the 12 cannons ready and I started to put them in place. It's looking far better then I was expecting, I can't wait until they are all in place. If only I didn't need to sleep...

Very, very well done I must say. I wish that I had put as much or a little more effort into my canons, but I didn't - mine are almost an eyesore !!
Thanks Donnie, you didn't put the effort on the cannons but you are certainly compensating it with the rigging...
I manage to put four in place but right now I'm on a three week trip so it's going to take a wile for all the cannons to be fitted...
After a long time I was able to get back to the ST. All the 12 cannons are now in place.




This was a good test, for the cannons on the main deck I will have to pay more attention to the carrier construction details and scaling of the different elements. I already have a rope walk, I will have to test it...

The main deck is finally in place


This is what we can see of the cannons...



I know that we can't see a lot of the cannons, specially the rigging but I'm very happy with the result, I would definitely do it again...

Now to get her ready for planking the hull...
Excellent cannon rigging, my Montanes will NOT even come close to yours and you only see about twelve cannon on the upper main deck of my kit. I did do a lot of detail work on the bulkheads of the officer quarters with the doors and such, but you will NEVER see them as the quarterdeck / poop deck is directly on top of them. Again, personal choices made with each model kit we build determines how much detail and work we do in each case.
After what seem a (too) long time I was able to post some pictures of my progress.

The real danger for me is to be bogged down with what is beyond my capacities.

To start with the bad news. I made a big mistake on the planking, some some reason, that had a lot of logic at the time I started the planking from the bottom up (in contrary to the instruction). this lead to a misalignment with the gun ports and the upper plank to terminate in an edge. I tried to correct by aligning the gun port with the decks but for some reason the decks are not horizontal but have a curvature at the stern. Now I have to go all the way and hope it doesn't look too bad. Were are some pictures of one of the sides finished.






now for the other half...

in the mean time, wile the glue is drying I made the officers accommodation, the rudder wheel and the compass armour. for inspiration I found this forum

the rudder wheel...





the compass armour...




some pictures of the accommodation...








The combination...




Now I have to start thinking about the stern.

The gun port problem is inherent with the kit and not if you go from top to bottom or bottom to top. You can check out Donnie’s build (top to bottom) or my build (bottom to top) and you will find a space of about 2mm that it is off.

For my build, I did not care. I knew the guns had to sit on the deck. I knew the distance between the main deck and 3rd deck was about 22mm. Looking at all the period drawings of the ST, all decks seemed to be approximately the same distance apart. I planked the ST then worried about the gun ports. It worked well for me. The ports were easy to put in once I figured that out.

It is easy to get bogged down when you deviate from the plans. I have been working on the stern for what seems like forever. The key is to keep it in perspective. You gain the skills to make this tiny stuff and bring the ship a little closer to what she may have been like in real life. It looks good and you get some bragging rights.

What you have done looks great. Hang in there.



Hi Don,

My "problem" is not with the gun port alignment, the problem is because I started from bottom to top and there is a curvature on the hull, the last two strips (the sapeli) end in an edge, witch they should not but I will have to live with that...

As for the port alignment my idea was to cover them and open them up align but has I was doing some measurements in order to keep the decks horizontal (like they should be) the 3rd battery would be completely misaligned with the stern. This is due to the fact that in the kit the deck have a curvature, they are higher at the stern. to undo that curvature I would have to "pull" the gun ports down, in this case to the extent that they would be out of alignment with the stern balconies. So in the end I gave up on correcting them...

Hope that makes sense...

Hey Anguirel,

Wow!! That is interesting. I did not have that problem. I had every other problem with the sapelli but not that one. Worse case you could run a second, thinner layer planking and all of that would go away. I decided to paint and copper the hull on my ST so many of the planking problems I did run into will not be seen.

You know, I went with the natural curvature of the decks. I also covered the ports and reopened them after planking. For me, I stayed with this thought; the guns have to sit on the deck. Next, the decks are about 22mm apart. I took the measurements using the top bulwark as my vertical reference. I assumed the first port at the stern for each deck was correct. I used that point for my horizontal reference. When I marked my ports after planking, I used the measurements I took to get me in the general area. I then figured the center line of the barrel on the main deck plus 22mm plus the barrel to top of the bulwark measurement. Then I took that number and measured from the top of the bulwark to the next level down and made my mark. By doing it this way, my next level cannon followed the curvature of the deck.

I have to admit it came out pretty good. I have pictures of it in my build log. Check it out. I had plenty of problems with the planking but wrote it off as my lack of experience building these things. On the other hand, I am a good engineer so I did the math and followed that.

Hang in there. You will do fine. Your ship looks good. Just remember it is wood… very easy to change things around.




Just a little update. I have been reading about the lower hull planking and can't get my head around it :angry-banghead: . There's something missing and my two sons don't give enough "quiet" time for me to concentrate in understanding what's being described in the books. I'm getting frustrated to the point that I will just plank it. It will be all covered by the copper planking anyway so it shouldn't be that much of a deal.
Now in the mean wile I've done some small thing around the ship...

The rudder wheel and the cabinet for the compass only fitter right next to the mast and since I putting a partner in the mast in this configuration the compass cabinet sited half in the partner half in the air. So I decided to extend the partner all the way to the rudder wheel, this is the result...



And this is with the beam in place


I also planked the poop deck, this time the tree nails are slightly bigger diameter. It doesn't look has good has the main deck.


One other thing I wanted to do was cut the stem in smaller individual beams.


The last update is the heads, I wanted to do something more detailed them what was on the kit. Once more I went to the Koga forum for inspitation ( It was difficult but I'm really please with the results...


I enjoyed myself a lot with this small projects, which only increased my frustration about the planking. Now I just want to get it over with so I can do other things.

Doing a great job. The best book that is the most accurate way to represent planking on any part of the ship and is very well written and explains the planking the best is Planking Techniques for Model Ship Builders by Donald Dressel. Until I read his book, I was having trouble understanding exactly how to do it and was making my best attempt. I was pretty close but once I understood how from his book, it became easier and looked right.
Hi Donlong, thanks a lot.

GaryM, that is the book I'm trying to read. I just can't get the peace of mind and quality time to get the planking right. I'm stil trying to avoid sharp edges... But I going to get it out of the way, I only need a surface for the copper planking.
Man alive. After seeing Anguirel and Don's build, I am ashamed to bring my Trinidad out of the heap !!!

Fantastic work Anguirel !!! That is just too awesome - a lot of work and dedication for the extras.

Hi Donnie, thanks. We are just walking the road you paved...

I need some help for you fine gentleman. Has you all know I'm going to copper plank my ST. The question is do you know a way to protect the copper? Should I apply one layer of finishing before I apply the copper? And when should I apply it.


I plan on putting copper on the hull of my ST as well. I am not sure what the proper procedure should be but this is what I plan on doing. First, I want to get the hull as smooth as possible meaning no high or low places and no rough spots. Then I plan on sealing it with a hard finish like lacquer or maybe a polyurethane. Then I will copper the hull. I don't plan on putting any protection on the copper itself. At lease not at this time. There are different thoughts on protecting the copper. Some feel in time the natural patina of the copper will take on the plating. Some feel it should have the patina added through chemicals. Others feel it should be protected. If that is your choice, then you could spray it with a lacquer or polyurethane.

I have read many articles on this subject and feel comfortable with my plan. Of course I am open to comments from others as well. This is all new for me. I still have the stern to finish so there is time before I start that phase of the project. I can assure you this is not the only way to do it but it is the one I have chosen.

Let me say again, you're doing a great job. Hope this helps.



It as been a very long time since I updated my log. A lot as change that took a lot of free time. the biggest chunk was, and still is taken by the new baby. despite all there was still a minute here and a minute there for the ST. The majority of that time was spent doing the stern. As you can see from the photos I'm still half way there.





I completed the front section as well



And this last few days, just to get away from the stern a bit I started on the gun ports.


In the future I will try to have more updates but time is short and its not easy to get away even for 5 minutes.