Just a little update. finished the fenders
and the side samson posts
Started adding the gun port lid's ropes. For the ones not yet assembled I will add the ropes in the eyebolts while putting the lid together (should of thought about that before)...
I plan to do the cannons before adding anything else to the deck so I have more space to move around. Now I'm doing some research on the design of Spaniard gun carriage. Of course most thing I find is about the English ones but I think I have something I can work with.
this ones are far from complete.
Now my biggest problem and I haven't find a definitive solution is about the disposition of the guns. I never like the gun all run out and ready for action. I fond some images and drawing showing how to secure the guns for sea but they are all for the "close" deck. the only reference I found describing the guns on the quarter decks, forecastle and mid section was in the "Historic Ship Models" by Wolfram and he states that in this case the guns are frequency secured in the run out position, now how is that...
the only reference I fond was in the Model Ship World forum, in this topic
He shows a diagram with different options
According to Wolfram the right option in A, but I got intrigued about option D. I had fond this is other references and it looks like i's the only one that seems to be in a open deck. But I also read that the weight in the upper deck should be moved to the centre of the ship as much as possible for stability reason. so in the end I still don't know what to do. Just going to give it a thought for a few more days...