Dean i suggest you go over to this forum and meet Pat he is actually building a working scale model of the gothic steam engine.
on the forum you can also see some indepth cad designing and model engineering. by a group of guys. This is where all the action is on the Gothic engine right down to the nuts and bolts Pat and i have been working on the engine going on a couple years now. My goal is a static engine room diorama Pat does iron casting and his goal is to cad design, 3D model then cast, machine and build a working model.
i finished a mid section of the hull and now in the ptocess of 3D modeling the engine room.
@Dean62 / @Dave Stevens (Lumberyard) : Can we please stick to the topic BLUENOSE WHEEL. I fail to the see how the discussion of a Mississippi gothic steam engine has anything of value to add to either Bluenose 1 or 2. Please use the PM function for this or start a new thread on the topic separate of the Bluenose Group Build.

Having said that, @Dean62 Dean's rendering of the Bluenose windlass is relevant - but as a separate topic to the Ship's wheel please.
From the video Rich posted in the thread “BN Rudder and steering issues” a still with the handlebars of the BN-II:
View attachment 239575
Regards, Peter
Your screen save view of the wheel handles on the spokes brought to mind that I need to learn how to do that as it has been desired over the years but the key strokes not learned. In the thread of the present steering mechanism and the Saga drawings which are at variance. . . in reading the latest Captain's Blog in the Bluenose 100 site, it is brought out that with the regulations and rebuilds in the past years that BN II is hardly a BN at all which includes her top masts being topped off to allow passage under some bridges. Lots of changes above and below the decks bringing the vessel into a pay for ride tourist attraction. Sad but realistic with the requirement for her to pay her own way . . . which does not include fishing. Rich
Today Henk arrived at my home with the resin printen @Dean62 Dean designed ship's wheel (see post #10) and anchors:
175 Wheel&Anchor.jpg
A friend of @Henk Liebre Henk who has printed them, has just only cut them from the base. So they need some fine adjusting. But the resin print is very smooth and tight. And the details are visible!

The wheels in close-up:
177 Wheel.jpg
Look at the small washer on the inside around de spokes!

I don't know if we have to make a thread for the anchors? But her the anchors in close-up:
176 Anchor.jpg
Look to the shackle on top and the loose rod at the bottom!

Nice job Dean, thanks for charing the files and Henk, thanks to contact your friend for printing.
Henk will also come with a post, but I think with the air-brushed versions. He is a real master in Air-Brush. See his Sub build-log!

Regards, Peter
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Today Henk arrived at my home with the resin printen @Dean62 Dean designed ship's wheel (see post #10) and anchors:
View attachment 240473
A friend of @Henk Liebre Henk who has printed them, has just only cut them from the base. So they need some fine adjusting. But the resin print is very smooth and tight. And the details are visible!

The wheels in close-up:
View attachment 240476
Look at the small washer on the inside around de spokes!

I don't know if we have to make a thread for the anchors? But her the anchors in close-up:
View attachment 240477
Look to the shackle on top and the loose rod at the bottom!

Nice job Dean, thanks for charing the files and Henk, thanks to contact your friend for printing.
Henk will also come with a post, but I think with the air-brushed versions. He is a real master in Air-Brush. See his Sub build-log!

Regards, Peter
They came out nice...I just love resin printers!
Can't wait to see how Henk paints them. I dry brushed...but you know that's my preferred method. :)
hey are looking very good!
I need also two spare anchors of the same type stored on the deck of my Le Coureur .......


I will keep your wish in mind.
Only 4 were printed, 2 for Peter,
I can put you in touch with him and then have it sent by post or wait for another print job from that side, and have it printed
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By the way
Not quite my thing

The printer with which I printed

He stopped the USB with the file in this printer, gave the order and then went to read the newspaper.

A very affordable printer, perhaps something for Dean