
Jan 9, 2013

Hi to all members of SOS, especially administrators and moderators, i will keep this as brief as i can about my actions last week NO EXCUSES PROVIDED just facts THAT DOES NOT EXEMPT ME FROM WHAT I DID AND SAID,,, here is it in a nutsheel and through the kindness and the caring of a member here who took the time to let me know in a novel way and it worked i have a lot of physical problems this was not a physical problem there is a word for it called a NERVOUS BREAKDOWN witch i never thought would happen to me GUESS WHAT i tend to want to escape reality it is my way of coping i tend to bury myself in my own dream world now it is ship modeling i bury my self in it totaly where nothing else gets in, that is just me here is what happened my children reconized something was wrong before the SOS BOMB no matter how much you hide from what is happening in the world today it does not work so scared to death about the virus, scared of my daughter loosing her buisness and my son-in-laws, my dearest daughter-in=law being a nurse in neworleans first responder scared to death of all this started my HAPPY PILLS AFTER NOT NEEDING THEM FOR ALMOST A YEAR AT THE SAME dose bad thing coupled wit NO SLEEP FOR 2 DAYS, WAS THE PERFECT STORM an explosion that was waiting to happen, and again no excuse, there is no excuse for words and thougts to friends who did not deserve the. THANK YOU SOS. Don PS I HAVE ANOTHER MESSAGE TO POST AND forgivness to ask for the person will not be named, tomorrow for that one. Don
OK another post hopefuly short,, THIS IS FOR SOME MEMBERS WHO WONDER ABOUT CERTAIN THINGS ON MY BUILDS, and why so many repeat questions on the same topic, the ANSWER IS I AM SLIGHTLY DYSELEX i have a problem wit instructions some time it takes multiple explanations for me to grasp what is going on, this is why i am so keen on 3-D instructions they do help me greatly, i am not letting this condition impeded by builds just an explanation of what and why, i did not say anything before on this i was ashamed and also that members would get tired of the same questions, this one is short, to all STAY SAFE AND GOD BLESS Don PS if anyone else has this maybe if you come forward it would help
Hi Don
I have been there myself a good few years ago and it is not a nice place.The worst thing is it creeps up on you unawares and half of the issue is realising you have a problem.The fact that you realise you have something to deal with is half the battle on the road to recovery.
Take care and get well soon.

Kind Regards

THANK YOU NIGEL, GETTING BETTER a little each and every day slowly getting much needed sleep, and cutting down on the happy pills is helping so far, and you are so right boy it sure creeps creeps up on you just thought i was being normal DUE TO DONNIES INTERVENTION WITH A PERSONAL CALL TO MU DAUGHTER, SHE AND MY SON-IN_LAW HAD A FACE TO FACE ON SUNDAY DONNIE WAS INSTRUMENTAL IN ALL OF THIS JUST TAKING DIRECT ACTION JUST A WONDERFUL MAN, my daughter-in-law is a nurse in NEW ORLEANS on the front lines first noticed this in my emails my son tried to tell me something was wron well you know what my answer was this was before the break down on SOS, right now just taking it easy much sleep, and if things keep going tomorrow will be back in work room sor a short session. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING GOD BLESS STAY SAFE FRIEND. Don
I have a physical problem that I try to cope with 24/7. I have a typical retinas pigmentosa. There is no cure and what it does is slowly take away your sight, permanently.
I understand your position but you should NEVER be ashamed of what your problem is. You cope and do the best you can.
What is happening in the world today causes fear and some form of depression in all of us. It is understandable.
I myself am currently staying as far as I can get from machinery and knives as one can get. I am a Tool and Die maker by trade. I have used almost every machine known to man. But I recently ran my thumb through the tablesaw. I cut off the fleshy part of the thumb. It was because of my eye sight nothing else. FEAR. I have lashed out and like you apologized later but I still feel like crap.
All I can say is hang in there. Kepp building and posting.
We all want to hear how your doing, both physically and building.
Strength my friend comes from the people around us. here and at home.
Don, I was diagnosed dyslexic 55 years ago. At that time it was a deeply misunderstood condition with no obvious treatment. So I was never told. So I went through my life and education struggling. I was as bright as the next kid but was constantly being frustrated and humiliated by not grasping elements in my world without repeated explanations until the penny dropped. Kids being what they are, ridiculed me and I developed some minor social issues. None ever said it wasn't my fault, so I assumed it was.
I was discussing this with my mother in my early 50's.....'ah, that's because you are dyslexic!'
If I'd been told this when I was young it would have made my road just that bit smoother and less of a hill to climb.
You have nothing to be ashamed of.
Don - thanks for sharing. More information helps on both sides. These are trying times and all of us need support from time to time. The support we have for each other is what makes this forum so special to me.
Dear Don

Thank you very much for sharing. In life we all have our own nightmares to overcome - and I agree fully with what Nigel said - recognizing and identifying the problem is half the battle won. I also understand what you mean by "your own little dream world". In China, I live for my students, but when I am no longer able to teach due to the virus situation, I am on my own and have been on my own now for almost three months. It is then that that little dream world tends to become ones very existence. And that is what is so great about our hobby - but at the same time also dangerous. There is always the danger of getting so engrossed in what we are doing that we tend to cut off from the world. This is normal and o different from the artist who finds himself in the "groove". It is certainly nothing to be ashamed of.

As a teacher, I have often battled against the misconceptions that surround dyslexia or any other learning problem. This is certainly no "disability" and even though it can be most frustrating at times, you must never question your sanity or right to happiness. As I have told you before, I admire you for your "never say die attitude". This is a quality which I greatly admire in any person and you heaps of that.

Keep working at what you are doing - keep enjoying your model building and keep on learning and for ever being a student. That is the best way of keeping young and healthy. BUT ... at the same time, remember that BALANCE is also hugely important.

Kind regards - Heinrich
Don, it is because of dyslexia that I do not post much text in my posts, rather more pictures.
Otherwise in these times, there is much to think about, very much to be worried about.
Good luck, Don.
Greetings Knut-
THANKS ALL THIS IS IMPORTANT CONVERSATION, to be had by all and i mean all members , I posted this because i was just sick and tired of hearing I am not qualified to do a build any build, because i repeat questions until i understand them. scared because members take the wrong signal, i have survived 82 years with this, asking my SON-IN-LAW and daughter to explain the instructions on a tool and they are always there for me, as are so many members wh did noit question me but helped, these are the ones who i give credit to, the others you all answer that one not my bag. Don