Thanks, that is because there are so many different merchant ship types from a few tons to more than quarter of a million tons, all shapes, colours and sizes. I don't have any obsessions with particular companies or ship types, I generally like them all. But when I used to display them in exhibitions, I observed that eyes would generally "glaze of over" if they accidentally fell on one of my models. Too small and no guns. The greatest interest has always been from collectors, or from people who sailed in these ships. To the vast majority of the general public, they are merely "boats" and of no significant interest. I didn't want all my knowledge to disappear when I die, so spent a considerable amount of time putting it all in downloads or books. The books I had to resort to paying for the printing, because none of the main stream model ship publishers were interest in book manuscripts about merchant ships, but I did write regularly for a number of years for Model Shipwright journal (Conway Maritime Press), but they ceased publishing Shipwright in 2014 on the death of the Editor, John Bowen, at the age of 90. There will be no more printed books from me, because I have now become too old to physically go to the Post Office to post them, but I hope to continue adding to the list of downloads.