It's been a while since I posted something on this build. I have now sold my house and I am in the process of buying a new house. We are only moving about 1 mile to another part of the village but I've been busy getting another mortgage sorted out and dealing with a Solicitor to get the legal stuff dealt with. It means I've not had any time to do any modelling. I still have a little bit of the Hull to smooth down and I'm going to fit a few planking off cuts to the Hull to fill in the gaps, but I went ahead and fitted the "false" Decks. These were difficault to get fitted due to the tops of the Bulkheads curving inwards at the top. I broke a couple of small edges off of the Decks which I'll glue back on, but they will be covered by the proper Decks later.

At the moment I am not able to give this build my full attention and I don't want to rush it and ruin it. I am heading to the south of England next week to spend Christmas at my Parent's house and that will mean a 3 hour ferry crossing and a 10 hour overnight drive from Scotland down to the South Coast of England. I am going to put this build on hold until I get settled into my new house which hopefully will be early February. Thanks for all your support and have a good Christmas and New Year,
Cheers Andy

At the moment I am not able to give this build my full attention and I don't want to rush it and ruin it. I am heading to the south of England next week to spend Christmas at my Parent's house and that will mean a 3 hour ferry crossing and a 10 hour overnight drive from Scotland down to the South Coast of England. I am going to put this build on hold until I get settled into my new house which hopefully will be early February. Thanks for all your support and have a good Christmas and New Year,
Cheers Andy