Statenjacht PEGASUS circa 1700 [COMPLETED BUILD]

Hope this helps;
Brand: 世海船模 'World Sea Ship Model'
Hope this helps;
Brand: 世海船模 'World Sea Ship Model'

Thank you !!!!!

Fortunately Max solved the issue and I didn't have to deal with the manufacturer.

Thank you also for the link to that building log !!!

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A test of how things are going. Nothing is glued or square. I just couldn't stop myself of taking a peek. :-)


Still 6 more ribs to be done tomorrow and 6 the glue is drying. There is still a lot to be done to have the hull ready.

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That looks super and the wood has a lovely colour! Take your time and allow that glue to set properly! (In the meanwhile, you can look at it - I can stare at that all day!)
A test of how things are going. Nothing is glued or square. I just couldn't stop myself of taking a peek. :)

View attachment 187144View attachment 187145

Still 6 more ribs to be done tomorrow and 6 the glue is drying. There is still a lot to be done to have the hull ready.

Looking great. As I understand, there is no jig supplied in the kit to align frames. How are you going to align them? Thanks and please, keep posting pictures.
Looking great. As I understand, there is no jig supplied in the kit to align frames. How are you going to align them? Thanks and please, keep posting pictures.

There are some alignment tools. I am finishing the transom now and after that will start to use them.


In the meantime see the below picture from @Jeronimo build log.


And this picture from mine not yet in use


Ok... if I am writing all this is to help others who will buy this kit.

I worked a few hours trying to assemble the transom. It wasn't easy. The parts did not fit well at all.

The kit transom was missing a wood piece (arrow in the picture) and had 2 of another. Max replaced the missing part.


One of those 2 parts, when placed in the transom was short !!!. The missing part had the perfect length. So I used it.


After milling that part to make it fit, my focus was to make the best possible assemble of the full transom.






Then I tested to see if it will fit like the kit drawing


Nothing is glued. Just attached to check the fitting.





Looks that the fitting is acceptable. So for now I am very happy.

Next steps will be start with the frame assembly using the pieces provided for that task. I pictured them in a previous posting.

The last frame in the assembling is the "R" in the kit drawing.

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A few more ribs done. Slowly, I do not want to rush this job.

View attachment 186860

If you read Karl @Jeronimo built log, he posted that the wood quality of the kit wasn't good. So he replaced it.

Well, when I got the kit I was happy with the pear wood of the planks. But I was too naive. Today I received Pear wood strips from Max (ZHL MODEL) and now I can compare.

@Jeronimo, with his experience, he realized immediately that the kit planks where not good. I only saw the difference when I received the new wood today. "See picture below" (zoom it to see better the details). Arrow is the new Pear wood

View attachment 186861

View attachment 186862

The kit planking strips are 2.5 x5 mm. I was afraid of the bending process of such thick planks. So, just in case, I ordered from ZHL MODEL , 0.6x5 , 1x5 and 1.5x5 mm. The 0.6 in case I wanted to do a double planking if my first planking looks terrible. I wanted to be sure I have in my hands all the options. I decided to use the 1.5x5mm for planking now that I see the quality difference.

Moreover, I also ordered more wood, in different thicknesses,
to scratch build the interiors. Black Walnut and Pear to have color contrast in details. See picture.

View attachment 186863

I do not have any idea what will be the outcome of this building log. But for sure I will try to have fun and reduce to a minimum my street vocabulary when things do not work . Ja Ja :)

To be continue in the next posting right now....... :)
Following with great interest seeing mine is due for delivery tomorrow.
Am a bit worried as to the quality of the planking material as both you and Jeronimo had to replaced them.
It is an expensive kit (more than twice the price of the LE COUREUR from CAF delivered) and I would
be really disappointed if I had to purchase additional material to replace poor quality wood.
Anyway great log to follow and good timing for me!
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Following with great interest seeing mine is due for delivery tomorrow.
Am a bit worried as to the quality of the planking material as both you and Jeronimo had to replaced them.
It is an expensive kit (more than twice the price of the LE COUREUR from CAF delivered) and I would
be really disappointed if I had to purchase additional material to replace poor quality wood.
Anyway great log to follow and good timing for me!

Don't be worried. I didn't replace wood due to quality. The planks that came with the kit are around 2.5 mm (around because a few are 2.6 and others 2.7 mm). I will measure the 70+ wood strips and split them.

When I saw that thickness I was scare with the bending and final result of my planking. Also, if it just half the hull that goes planked, I was scare.

Based on my fears, because I know my poor skills, I wanted to cover my back. Moreover, Max was waiting the replacement for the missing parts. Then I decided to order a bunch of different planks. 0.6, 1 and 1,5 mm. The 0.6 if I have to do a second planking. I like the 1.5 mm and I think I will use those. Plus I order more wood for the interior. And have all shipped together.

When they arrived, I saw the difference. You saw my posted pictures trying to show those differences. The ones included in the kit are darker and some changes in color. The new planks from MAX are all the same color, no variations at all.

That's all.

'That's good to know, thanks Daniel

No problem at all. I hope you have read Jeronimo's Pegasus building log. He is really an expert modeler and a gentleman. You can find other buildings from him at SOS. He passed me his building log pictures plus pictures from other buildings. I do not have a cloud storage system to offer you the same. But if you visit the links below you will have a lot of detailed pictures.

The Chinese building log, together with Jeronimo log are the ones I am using. The kit instructions just non exist, Nevertheless, they provide some help.

Russian Forum:

And that modeler posted this link to a word document with the pictures of the Chinese Forum:
