The Anatomy of the Bounty - AL-

Hi all

I have been working on the Bow hatch coamings and its timbers. The kit come with pieces of brass 2x2x100 mm. I didn't like them so I decided to use wood. It was a pain in the neck. 3 times, YES !!! , I built them 3 times. The first 2, went to trash. It looks horrible. The 3rd one was the most acceptable one. And is pictured below.

Brass pieces provided by the kit


My 3rd attempt



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Exceptionally neat joinery you have done. The fact that you are not settling and willing to replace a piece with something better speaks volumes. Kudos.

Not sure if this is important to anyone but maybe for the future......the wales were seated in the rabbet so they had to be tapered to the same thickness at the bow as the surrounding planking. The below is probably more clear than just a written explanation. On the left the strakes of wales are not in the rabbet as they are too thick. The wales would taper from about 5 or 6" thick to 3" thick which I believe is the thickness of the bottom planking of a ship the size of Bounty.
Tapered wales D.PNG
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Exceptionally neat joinery you have done. The fact that you are not settling and willing to replace a piece with something better speaks volumes. Kudos.

Not sure if this is important to anyone but maybe for the future......the wales were seated in the rabbet so they had to be tapered to the same thickness at the bow as the surrounding planking. The below is probably more clear than just a written explanation. On the left the strakes of wales are not in the rabbet as they are too thick. The wales would taper from about 5 or 6" thick to 3" thick which I believe is the thickness of the bottom planking of a ship the size of Bounty.
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Hi Allan, thank you very much for your comments !! . Concerning the rabet, there isn't one on this model. The keel is glued on place after the hull is built from a molding. Could I have done one on the keel as designed ? I don't know.

I realize this overall pattern of hull planking, which never existed on any ship, is a kit designer's fantasy. Why they do this I have no idea as it actually wastes wood so there is no cost savings. Even if the wales are laid on top of the first planking they can be thinned at the bow area so they do not stand proud of the surrounding planking. I for one am very impressed with how neatly you have the other strakes ending at the stem without a rabbet being used. NICE WORK.
I realize this overall pattern of hull planking, which never existed on any ship, is a kit designer's fantasy. Why they do this I have no idea as it actually wastes wood so there is no cost savings. Even if the wales are laid on top of the first planking they can be thinned at the bow area so they do not stand proud of the surrounding planking. I for one am very impressed with how neatly you have the other strakes ending at the stem without a rabbet being used. NICE WORK.
Thank you for your nice comments!!!

I am not sure if around 1993 AL was thinking that the kit was a waste of wood. But I am sure they were thinking on bringing to the marker something unusual. The hull needed to be strong, as it was just to be a shell.
At those times, I was not able to find another model that could show the inside of the ship. This was the only one I found. It wasn't cheap either(~$300). And was only sold in Spain. On a company trip to Madrid I came back to Argentina with this kit and the King of Mississippi. It was around 1995-6.


I started the hull in 2000, but left it, until I started this thread (go to posting #1).

The kit was discontinued at some point of these 31 years and replaced by a much more easy to built kit. The Anatomy of the Bounty that you can find today.

Definitely, this kit, from ~1993 isn't at all for a bigginer.


PS: More about the hull construction process

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Good morning Daniel. Yep that is a good windlass. It is pleasant to see a kit get the scale of this correct. I have always found this massive (in relation to the rest of the ship) windlass on The Bounty to be ugly. It shows how small the Bounty was. Good job on the ugly windlassROTF. Cheers Grant
Hola a todos

El barco tortuga está llegando a su fin. Así que empecé a pensar: "¿Qué sigue?". Después de pensarlo mucho, decidí terminar un proyecto que comenzó hace 22 años. Precisamente en 2000, cuando vivíamos en Bélgica. Desafortunadamente, para el modelo, 1,5 años después de que lo comencé, nos mudamos a EE. UU. UU. y el modelo quedó en suspenso. También el hobby quedó en suspenso hasta aproximadamente 2019. Has visto los modelos que construí desde entonces. Todos se pueden encontrar aquí en SOS.

Ahora es el momento de volver a este modelo inusual, al menos en el momento en que se desarrolló. Ahora es un modelo discontinuado.

Se ha escrito mucho sobre la historia del Bounty, no es necesario que lo reescriba. Sin embargo, iré añadiendo comentarios a medida que avance.

Vamos a mostrar algo de lo que hice hasta ahora.... en la próxima publicación...:-)


Hola a todos

El barco tortuga está llegando a su fin. Así que empecé a pensar: "¿Qué sigue?". Después de pensarlo mucho, decidí terminar un proyecto que comencé hace 22 años. Precisamente en 2000, cuando vivíamos en Bélgica. Desafortunadamente, para el modelo, 1,5 años después de que lo comencé, nos mudamos a EE. UU. y el modelo quedó en suspenso. También el hobby quedó en suspenso hasta aproximadamente 2019. Has visto los modelos que construí desde entonces. Todos se pueden encontrar aquí en SOS.

Ahora es el momento de volver a este modelo inusual, al menos en el momento en que se desarrolló. Ahora es un modelo discontinuado.

Se ha escrito mucho sobre la historia del Bounty, no es necesario que lo reescriba. Sin embargo, iré añadiendo comentarios a medida que avance.

Vamos a mostrar algo de lo que hice hasta ahora.... en la próxima publicación...:-)

Hola Daniel,
Me encontré en una situación similar. He reanudado la construcción de la sección antigua HMS Bounty que deje parado y ahora tengo el problema de que no tengo las instrucciones, si los planos, y me está costando bastante trabajo. Si las conservas, te agradecería me las facilitaras.