THE MATTHEW / Lumberyard

Hi Don,
You are off to a good start.
Do you know if Jeff used the drawings from Davis Engineering as the basis for his drawings of the Matthew? I am considering using the for a POF build. The drawings are well detailed and should be easy to work from.

I suspect he did, Mike. There is a link to the Davis drawings at the Navy Board Models site. I’d be up for a POF of the Matthew for sure.
I do not think Jeff used the Davis engineering drawings he came in well after the project was started and prototype was built. He may have used the Davis plans as a reference.

The Matthew project started with me (Dave stevens) and Winston we were looking for a kit project for the MSB site. Winston and I did the research and I wrote the article series in the MSB journal on building a prototype for a kit. I was working from the Davis plans as research and based the kit off those plans. I did not develop any sort of modeling plans for the kit project so that is when Jeff stepped in and drew up his plans based on the work Winston and I did.

Winston and I talked about the idea to create original modeling projects, these "projects" would include downloadable model plans, laser cut parts and milled wood packages. Sales of these projects would support future projects and the web site. The Matthew was one of those projects. I also did a POF version of the Matthew and I think I might still have the CAD drawings.

there is still the bomb vessel project sitting here with laser cut parts and Jeff's drawings, the prototype still has to be built.
Daves am I on the right track, with the filler pieces, I TOO WORKED ON THE MSB PROJECT OF THE BOMB KETCH, you have no idea how much work we put into the project ESPECIALLY DAVES, we need someone to do a PROTOTYPE AND GET THE KIT OUT, DAVES ALSO PUT OUT A LOT OF FUNDA FOR THIS PROJECT, I AM JUST NOT CAPABLE OF DOING THE PROTOTYPE MAYBE THERE IS SOMEONE ON THIS CAN DO THE PROTOTYPE, just hate to see such an interesting project go to waste. Don
me again guys, with this forum and a GREAT INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP, I think this site can devlope what we started on the MSB SITE, with people like, Daves, Mike41, Zoly, Euwek, and Joe(Epicdoom) that is a great group do develope different projects either from Scratch, Semi-Scratch, Kits ranging from projects for Novuces, and Intermediate modelers, different X Sections, please let me know any members are interested, I THINK DAVES SHOULD TAKE THE LEAD ON THIS BUT I KNOW THAT HE HAS A FAMILY PROBLEM, RIGHT NOW AND I DO NOT KNOW IF HE HAS THE TIME, think about it GUYS, just my 2 cents for what it is worth. THANKS Don
yes don you are on the right track with the filler blocks along ends of the bulkheads. good job!

I AM JUST NOT CAPABLE OF DOING THE PROTOTYPE MAYBE THERE IS SOMEONE ON THIS CAN DO THE PROTOTYPE, just hate to see such an interesting project go to waste. Don

oh it won't go to waste at some point someone might pick up where we left off or I will build the prototype some day.

Winston and I realized these projects we did in the past and any future ones do not have to be an instant success. all we have to do is get them out there someone some time will see them and build them. The down side is any investments like production molds for the mortar for the bomb vessel will probably never be recouped but hey so what.
oops senior citizen moment, I foregot to add the name of Doc Blake, SORRY DOC, you are one of the best modelers out there, and a great help to those like me who need help. THANKS Don
Hi Don,
You are off to a good start.
Do you know if Jeff used the drawings from Davis Engineering as the basis for his drawings of the Matthew? I am considering using the for a POF build. The drawings are well detailed and should be easy to work from.

I suspect he did, Mike. There is a link to the Davis drawings at the Navy Board Models site. I’d be up for a POF of the Matthew for sure.

Thanks Dave, I will start a set of modeling plans as fill in work around the Ontario cross section. It will be a while before I have anything to look at.
Hi Mike41, My Kansas neighbor, that would be a great project either as an X section, or a POF, not I think modelers as a group would embrace something like that, the COGS, GALLENS etc are not being built, but I think that if a project like you are sugesting would bring in a great many modelers who just need a little push. Don
Hi Mike41, My Kansas neighbor, that would be a great project either as an X section, or a POF, not I think modelers as a group would embrace something like that, the COGS, GALLENS etc are not being built, but I think that if a project like you are sugesting would bring in a great many modelers who just need a little push. Don

why redo the Matthew? why not pick another early North American exploration ship like the Grande Hermine which has not been done.

grand hermine.jpg
Thanks Don,
It looks like we may start one soon. Sorry about cluttering up your build log.
just some pictures of what happens when you are not giveing your build thfull attention it needs, I HAVE EXPIERIENCES OF MANY, MANY OOPS, have become an expert in fixing the bonehead mistakes, but now I have the expierence to reconnize them much sooner then before, notice the pictue showing bulkhead No. 14 notice the top timber that I glued together LAST NIGHT, with my mind on other things, notice the numbering on the bulkhead and top timber, I HAVE ANSWERED MANY REQUESTS ON HOW TO TAKE APART MISTAKES THIS WAS GLUED AND CLAMPED TOGETHER, MY METHOD AND TAKE IT FROM AN EXPERT IT WORKS, I use nail polish remover THAT CONTAINS 100% ACOTONE, I JUST USE A COTTON SWAB AND RUB IT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE JOINT SOMETIMES IT TAKES 3 or more applications THEN WIT AN No. 11 BLADE AND A MARKING KNIFE IF NECCESSARY AND CAREFULLY PRY IT APART, NOTICE NO DAMAGE TO THE PIECES YOU CANSEE THE CORRECT TOP TIMBER IN THE PICTURE GLUED AND CLAMP ALSO THIS METOD CAN BE USED ON PVA AND CA GLUES this is from a oops champion
