Hey Ridley, first of all thanks for the pdf file. That looks very interesting!Noel, that looks excellent! The rotating jig is very handy, I will do something similar when required. Why are you not happy with the deck planking? Does it look "too good' I suppose it just you want as the shipwright. What parts of the stern should you have installed sooner? Did you make your own gratings? I am tempted to buy after market. Here is the PDF you wanted. I will follow your build with interest! Cheers Ridley.
The planking of the different decks does not look true to life. If you look up Dean62 Norske Love in the Search Forum you will find on page 2 with the logo of an airplane the construction of the Norske Love that Dean 62 made. In 108 pages you can follow the construction. I think this is amazingly well done! Very professional!! If you look at the decks there you will know what I mean!
The stern parts with number 46 from the manual I mounted too high (I think). I had to make part number 47 thinner and I probably can only mount 1 of the two parts with number 49 otherwise I cannot get the windows in between. I will know for sure when I want to mount everything definitively! (Picture)
What do you mean by "Did you make your own gratings? I am tempted to buy after market"? I use a translation program and the program has trouble translating this sentence!