Vasa - 1:65 DeAgostini [COMPLETED BUILD]

This will be my last posting for a few weeks. My wife and I are heading to Europe for a thrice canceled vacation. We will be on a Rhine River cruise and spending a few days in Amsterdam. Like many of you, this will be our first vacation since the onset of the pandemic so to say we are looking forward to it is an understatement!
Any chance you’re going on a Viking Cruise? We took a 15 day cruise from Amsterdam ending in Budapest.
Sailing into Budapest at night was something I’ll never forget.

Smooth sailing,
Any chance you’re going on a Viking Cruise? We took a 15 day cruise from Amsterdam ending in Budapest.
Sailing into Budapest at night was something I’ll never forget.

Smooth sailing,
Yes, but we are only doing the first half of your cruise and then adding a few days in Amsterdam at the tail end.
Hey everyone, just a small update...

Ratlines are completed on the lower masts except for one side of the mizzen:

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This will be my last posting for a few weeks. My wife and I are heading to Europe for a thrice canceled vacation. We will be on a Rhine River cruise and spending a few days in Amsterdam. Like many of you, this will be our first vacation since the onset of the pandemic so to say we are looking forward to it is an understatement!
Superb work, those ratlines are only to be admired Thumbsup
Hey everyone, just a small update...

Ratlines are completed on the lower masts except for one side of the mizzen:

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This will be my last posting for a few weeks. My wife and I are heading to Europe for a thrice canceled vacation. We will be on a Rhine River cruise and spending a few days in Amsterdam. Like many of you, this will be our first vacation since the onset of the pandemic so to say we are looking forward to it is an understatement!
Amazing workmanship hope to reach your standard one day. Have a wonderful trip since you're so close are you going to visit the real Vasa?
Hey everyone, just a small update...

Ratlines are completed on the lower masts except for one side of the mizzen:

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View attachment 301114

This will be my last posting for a few weeks. My wife and I are heading to Europe for a thrice canceled vacation. We will be on a Rhine River cruise and spending a few days in Amsterdam. Like many of you, this will be our first vacation since the onset of the pandemic so to say we are looking forward to it is an understatement!
Good morning Paul- outstanding as always. I have been trying my hand at rigging and it is not easy (decided not to look at your build anymore it just annoys me ROTF);)) - you have a gifted measure of skills Paul. Cheers Grant
Hey everyone, just a small update...

Ratlines are completed on the lower masts except for one side of the mizzen:

View attachment 301112

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View attachment 301114

This will be my last posting for a few weeks. My wife and I are heading to Europe for a thrice canceled vacation. We will be on a Rhine River cruise and spending a few days in Amsterdam. Like many of you, this will be our first vacation since the onset of the pandemic so to say we are looking forward to it is an understatement!

Love your work Paul, looks so good.
Enjoy your trip it sounds fantastic, BottleThumbs-Up (so jealous right now)
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Hello Friends,

A modest update for you. I have completed the main topgallant stay and the fore topgallant stay along with the backstay at the sprit mast.

Here is the overall view (you can barely make out the topgallant stays):

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There is some uncertainty as to how the topgallant stays terminate. Probably the best option would be to simply tie them off to the trees. I chose to use a simple tackle so the stays could be tensioned.

Here is the termination of the main topgallant stay at the foremast top(s):

View attachment 300165

And now the fore topgallant stay terminating at the bowsprit top:

View attachment 300164

Finally, here is the remarkably challenging sprit mast back stay. It was a mighty battle to keep lines running smoothly while at the same time not pulling the fore lower stay out of alignment. I didn't get it perfect, but it wasn't for lack of effort...

View attachment 300163

As always, I am humbled that you would take the time to visit my build-log. Next up: mizzen stays (or more ratlines).
Hello, dockattner!
Each part is very beautiful.
More than that, the rope work is very beautiful.
It is a wonderful work that I cannot imitate.
Amazing workmanship hope to reach your standard one day. Have a wonderful trip since you're so close are you going to visit the real Vasa?
I thought about it Tony, but close is a relative term - its still a plane ride away. Besides, I'm trying to focus this vacation on my bride and visiting the Vasamuseet for two days probably wouldn't go over all that well. This trip was supposed to be a 35th wedding anniversary trip when we scheduled it two years ago ROTF.
I thought about it Tony, but close is a relative term - its still a plane ride away. Besides, I'm trying to focus this vacation on my bride and visiting the Vasamuseet for two days probably wouldn't go over all that well. This trip was supposed to be a 35th wedding anniversary trip when we scheduled it two years ago ROTF.
Visiting such a old ship could be very romantic to visit, just convince her and take a lot of pictures of her and the ship ROTF
Hi Paul,

If you are in Amsterdam you can still visit the Van de Velde exhibition in het Scheepvaart museum. It is still there until May 8th. Just 2 hours is enough, you can gice your credit card to your wife to visit Gassan Diamonds.

Just an idea 8-)

Maybe even better the Batavia yard. Same year of build as Vasa. If you need assistance please let me know. Live just around the corner.