Veteran Status?

US NAVY 1981-89 Started building the Solei Royal back in the 70's but never finished it some how it got lost while moving but interest was always there now I'm retired started back up current build Heller HMS Victory.HAL-4 HELICOPTOR (2).jpg
I have been interested in ship building all my life. I was going to join the Coast Guard but Colorado doesn't have a unit to work with. Started the US Brig Syren about 8 years ago and just finished it in August.
FB_IMG_1588492687074.jpg1975 to 1992. I was Army. Royal Signals. A generator mechanic by trade, but spent most of my career either climbing big hills or teaching other. You can take it i finished as a Sergeant, hence the nickname. Like a lot of kids I built plastic kits, then moved away for a decade or 2 to return into wood ships 20 odd years ago.
USN 22 years. Retired ATCS. Served in 2 squadrons and 5 carriers. I joined the community primarily for a build of CVN-65 which I have yet to start on.
Commissioned USMC in 1968, three years active, including a year in the Nam. Got out joined Reserves, but three years later, my unit was transferred from L.A. to Waterloo, Iowa. Out 5 years, joined the Army Guard from 1980-1993, when I retired as a LTC due to injuries n my civilian (LAPD) career. Long, long time ago!
US NAVY 1981-89 Started building the Solei Royal back in the 70's but never finished it some how it got lost while moving but interest was always there now I'm retired started back up current build Heller HMS Victory.View attachment 494482
Were you an aviation type? Or Spec Ops? I've not seen too many squids sitting in the door of a MH-60 Seahawk in fatigues carrying an M-16.
Retired from the USN after 20 yrs as a Senior Chief (Submarines)
At MEPS, the recruiter asked if I'd be interested in submarines. I looked at him incredulously and asked, "Why would I volunteer to serve on a boat that intentionally sinks?!"
What was your rate Senior Chief?
Commissioned USMC in 1968, three years active, including a year in the Nam. Got out joined Reserves, but three years later, my unit was transferred from L.A. to Waterloo, Iowa. Out 5 years, joined the Army Guard from 1980-1993, when I retired as a LTC due to injuries n my civilian (LAPD) career. Long, long time ago!
Thank you for a life of public service, friend.
I am a U.S.Navy veteran. Active from 1969 to 1973 then Ready Reserve 1973 to
1988. My rate and rank was a OS2 with a EW job code before EW became a rate. 3 1/2 years on a Fram 1 DD out of San Diego. Then NAS South Weymouth and Brunswick, Maine supporting VP92 P3 Orions
I've always built plastic models. Served in the Army from 1966-1969. One combat tour in Vietnam during Tet 67-68.
I completed the Endeavour, my first wood build in just under 1 year. Currently on the Diana (which I'm sorry I spent the money on this one) The Flying Dutchman is on the table waiting on me.
I was in the US Navy from 1977-1981. Lived, worked and played on the USS Yosemite.
I bought my first kit after the Navy. Model Expo was in my neighborhood and they were a customer of mine. Wandered into their showroom once and have been building wooden ship models ever since. That was in 1983.
Joined the USN in '68 as an E1(Fireman Recruit). Was about to be drafted into the Army. I already knew how to shoot a gun. Retired 25 year later as an O4 (LCDR). Was never assigned to a ship (I was EOD). Vietnam '69-'70. Worked with the RAF '78-80. Was assigned to the American Embassy London '82-'84 and then further assigned to the RN at the same period of time. Would never trade my time in the military for anything.

I ran across this site a couple years ago and it got my interest in wood model ships.
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I'm curious to know how many veterans are present? What branch? What sparked your interest in crafting model ships?

I'll start. I'm a US Navy veteran, served 1987-1991 on the USS Ticonderoga CG-47. Among other things, I was in Operation Desert Shield (which preceded Operation Desert Storm). I purchased a wooden ship while deployed to Spain directly from Artesania and have been carrying it around for over 30 years. I finally broke it open 1.5 years ago and have been enjoying working on it.
RCAF/CAF 1964-1970 Pineteen Line. Bought Esmiralda from Occre a couple of years ago when I retired. Still a work in progress. Became interested in woodworking for 20 years. Just a natural process I guess. Live in Sault Ste. Marie, Canada at the head of the Great Lakes.
U.S. Army 74-75 Hunter Liggett Military Reservation. Been making models since I can remember. Saw wood kits available and been working on those since.
Georgia National Guard, 1964 to 1970. Ft. Rucker helicopter mechanic graduate. Went back to my outfit and found there were 150 mechanics and only five aircraft. With very little to do I was volunteered for KP and I loved it. I was warm, had coffee and doughnuts all day and plenty to eat. Became a cook when one got out and stayed in the kitchen for 5 years. We all had 24 on and 24 off with no other duties assigned if they wanted chow on time. At the end I was E-5 First Cook but my DD214 says I was a helicopter mechanic. Enlistment ended in 1970 with an Honorable Discharge. Made my first model at 6 and it was a Stromberg sail boat and have been making models ever since.