Your Prayers Please

stay away from chiropractors. they are not doctors. once they get their claws in you they wont let go . my wife has been going to one for 5 years with no lasting relief. she started to go to the gym with me and working with resistance machines and weights and within a few weeks her pain was gone as her core got stronger. try it you will fell better and save a ton of money.
stay away from chiropractors. they are not doctors. once they get their claws in you they wont let go . my wife has been going to one for 5 years with no lasting relief. she started to go to the gym with me and working with resistance machines and weights and within a few weeks her pain was gone as her core got stronger. try it you will fell better and save a ton of money.
Actually chiropractors are like any other tool. They have to be applied to the right job. When I get muscle tension in my upper shoulders and neck, my neck locks up and dull pain sets in. It doesn't do away by itself. Getting a physical adjustment loosens everything back up in an hour or so. Noticeable relief is immediate. I don't get my lower back adjusted because L4 and L5 discs were previously blown out, requiring two surgeries, and adjusting the lower back could result in more damage and lots of pain. Even my chiropractor knows that. Some chiropractors are as you said, unable to help many back issues, but some can be trusted to apply tension eliminating techniques properly. As for your wife, it seems that exercise (physical therapy) was the way to go. Exercise also keeps us limber such that we rarely need to visit the chiropractor for relief, even as we get old and creaky. The trick with any injury or pain is finding the correct treatment, sometimes very different that other people.
Hi Donnie,
I'll pray for you - I'm another imperfect older guy, trying to remodel our home. Trying to lift anything or get off the floor is always an adventure. I am not there with you in the same sense but woefully understand.
You've been a great help to me with knowledge
God will ease you pain.
God bless you Donnie.
as someone else suggested a physical therapist will do you the most good. a real doctor (md or do) can order the physical therapy.
We have a class of chiropractors in the UK (maybe elsewhere) called Osteopaths. The are specialists in the treatment of pain arising from the spine and the role of the spinal cord carrying messages to the rest of the body. Find the right one and the results can be amazing- - I speak from personal experience.
Donny, you have my sympathy.

I was attacked (1977) from behind and received a flying kick to the base of the spine and my life has been blighted with extreme pain ever since.

Physio is a no no, Osteopath deserved a knife in the neck, steroids, lumbar punctures, myelograms, every pain med known to man.
Nothing helped, until I began a year of regular acupuncture.
It took a year, but the result was night and day, the pain became just a memory for over a decade.

Last November I had the misfortune to lose a leg in a motorcycle accident.
To my horror the spinal injury was back (excuse the pun) with extreme vengeance.
The only relief now is Morphine!
My only hope is the trauma will settle down.

The dreary truth, in my experience, is life is all about pushing that big rock up hill!
Hi Donnie

Sorry to hear about your back issues. As an ex Millwright (fitter as they say here in Australia) in my younger days I though I was bullet proof and could lift anything. My work destroyed my back or more correctly I destroyed my back by doing stupid things. Long story short. I went to Chiros for years. Felt beter for a few days but progressively I feel they did nothing to eleviate my condition and in fact I think it made it worse. I'm 72 now and the only thing I found that worked were those dreadful words diet and exercise. I have lost 10kg (22.2lbs in the old money) and exercise daily (and am not a great fan) but my back pain has greatly reduced (no need for meds now). It has not gone away and likely never will but the above method are the only thing I've found to be of real benefit. See you Dr. before you undertake this aproach. Also have a look at this website here in Australia. Its from our scientific reseach body the CSIRO. You may have something similar in the US. Very structured which is something I need to keep me on track. Also cheap when you consider the alternative.

Total Wellbeing Diet.

Give it a go mate... What have ya got to lose...
I started my diet 9 months ago today! I've lost 39 pounds and feel and look so much better. S visible 6 pack at 68 isn't all bad. A combination of eating and drinking less and steady work on my exercise bike.....I really recommend them. I do about 12 miles a day on the hardest setting.
I needed a good kick in the ass and a photo of me at my son's wedding did it. I had steadily put this weight on over three years and kept kidding myself I hadn't. Weighing your self is a good way to keep a check on but another is to just have a jacket that fits well when you're at fighting weight and try it on each week.
But I can't emphasize enough the good that comes from it. My blood work is all in the green range, my fitness is high, and most of my lower back pain is much better albeit I likely still need surgery......a long story.
But I can also sit for long periods at the modeling desk and after all,that's what counts! That and long sessions of playing guitar.
I started my diet 9 months ago today! I've lost 39 pounds and feel and look so much better. S visible 6 pack at 68 isn't all bad. A combination of eating and drinking less and steady work on my exercise bike.....I really recommend them. I do about 12 miles a day on the hardest setting.
I needed a good kick in the ass and a photo of me at my son's wedding did it. I had steadily put this weight on over three years and kept kidding myself I hadn't. Weighing your self is a good way to keep a check on but another is to just have a jacket that fits well when you're at fighting weight and try it on each week.
But I can't emphasize enough the good that comes from it. My blood work is all in the green range, my fitness is high, and most of my lower back pain is much better albeit I likely still need surgery......a long story.
But I can also sit for long periods at the modeling desk and after all,that's what counts! That and long sessions of playing guitar.
Wow. I should try that.. at least the wedding photo part...
I started my diet 9 months ago today! I've lost 39 pounds and feel and look so much better. S visible 6 pack at 68 isn't all bad. A combination of eating and drinking less and steady work on my exercise bike.....I really recommend them. I do about 12 miles a day on the hardest setting.
I needed a good kick in the ass and a photo of me at my son's wedding did it. I had steadily put this weight on over three years and kept kidding myself I hadn't. Weighing your self is a good way to keep a check on but another is to just have a jacket that fits well when you're at fighting weight and try it on each week.
But I can't emphasize enough the good that comes from it. My blood work is all in the green range, my fitness is high, and most of my lower back pain is much better albeit I likely still need surgery......a long story.
But I can also sit for long periods at the modeling desk and after all,that's what counts! That and long sessions of playing guitar.
Your last sentence is a perfect descriptor of me in my life at very nearly 79 years of age. That, and playing the guitar for, and reading to my wife, who through the vicissitudes of life is being stolen from me a little day by day by the death of a thousand cuts known as memory decline. And, yes, it is what counts.
Your last sentence is a perfect descriptor of me in my life at very nearly 79 years of age. That, and playing the guitar for, and reading to my wife, who through the vicissitudes of life is being stolen from me a little day by day by the death of a thousand cuts known as memory decline. And, yes, it is what counts.
You are as an angel to your wife, Peter, doing God's work.
Donnie, I have read the entire thread. There are some excellent recommendations within. I am a physician trained in surgery/trauma. Here is my two-cent opinion: I agree with several of the comments suggesting you get some radiologic (X-rays, CT/MRI) studies. Since you fell and now are experiencing pain over a two-rib area plus shoulder blade pain, you most likely bruised your ribs and scapula (shoulder blade). You might have even broken a rib, but the chance of breaking your scapula without excruciating pain, makes a scapular fracture much less likely. X ray studies are very useful for diagnosing injuries to the skeleton (bones). A chest X-ray would rule-out or confirm rib fractures and/or a scapular fracture and diagnose additional injuries to the skeleton such as dislocations. MRI and CT are most useful in diagnosing injuries to the soft tissues. There is no surgical treatment for broken ribs (unless they are extremely displaced), so the medical management is analgesics (pain medications). Bone bruises and fractures take several months of healing before the pain gradually dissipates. If the pain does not start to gradually lessen by the third or fourth week post-accident, I would see a physician and consider other etiologies for the pain (dislocations, spinal issues, etc.) Having broken several ribs in cycling accidents, I can sympathize with your pain and the DREAD of coughing or sneezing. Get well soon. I wish you all the best.
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