After rigging the bowsprit, work on the spars began in earnest, with the odd little job to complete all the various deck components. I use those little jobs as stop-gap activity.
The lower fore- and main mast spars have been provided with the hardware to support the fore- and main booms.
I fabricated a simplified fore boom hinge, in between the very simple YQ solution and the rather complex configuration per the MS drawings. The interface per the MS drawings was maintained though, since I plan to use the MS rigging schemes.
Below two pictures of the foremast with the fore boom temporary installed.
Several parts had to be fabricated, amongst others the fife rail (more nails required than per the YQ instructions) and the mast foot rosette.
View attachment 366542View attachment 366544
Below two pictures of the main mast, with the main boom support in place. In order to check the boom/mast interface, I attached the necessary parts to the boom. The boom is also a temporary install; still requires a lot of details to be added.
View attachment 366543View attachment 366546
Before continuing my journey upwards I into the masts, towards the tressles, I first needed to fabricate the mast hoops. It will not be possible to install those at a later moment.
The mast hoops are not part of the kit, so I needed to make my own.
I've seen xamples of people, making them from wood, almost in the same manner as the original hoops were produced.
Being lazy
I copied for the most part
@Peter Voogt 's process.
I bought some sturdy sheet of white paper, with a thickness of 0,4mm, 0,0016" and cut strips with a width of 2mm, 0,08" and a length of 74mm, 2,9". The length was determined by wanting to have two complete revolutions around the mast, plus an overlap, with an inner diameter of the hoop of 10mm, 0,39". The overlap is about 5mm, 0,2".
Marking and cutting the strips:
View attachment 366577
Form the strips around a drill bit of dia 10mm, 0,4". I secured the ends with a drop of super glue gell:
View attachment 366578
Soak the hoops in a solution of 50% water and 50% D2 wood adhesive.
View attachment 366580
And then we let them dry. To seal the hoops I will apply a single coat of white paint, but that's not for now.
I still need to make the hoops for both topmast sails...
View attachment 366628