YQ Bluenose Ted R (COM PLETED)

I understand, but these are really easy to make, even if completely out of wood and paint, with hand tools.
Hi bro, you have a scratch-building bug :cool: Even if it is easy or simple to make, not everybody wants to do it. We keep discussing this from post to post. We are all different and desire to make models in certain ways.

We do appreciate your knowledge and suggestions to make it 'real', but... we have the right to reserve building models the way we like, and we can.
I understand, but these are really easy to make, even if completely out of wood and paint, with hand tools.
AllanView attachment 467683
I don't understand. You want me t scratch build some new anchors and throw away the ones I've already built.
I appreciate your helpful suggestions but am not interested building substitute anchors.
Does look nice though.
Best regards
I built a couple of the locker hatches.IMG20240827131155.jpgIMG20240827115945.jpg
You want me t scratch build some new anchors and throw away the ones I've already built.
Hi Ted,
This came across all wrong, I do not want you to do anything. I was only pointing out to anyone interested that there are alternatives. We all should do as we please as this is a hobby for the vast majority, not an occupation or even an avocation.
No problem. This is my second model and I'm working with only an Xacto saw, knife and sandpaper. I have no surplus materials and limited skills.
I appreciate your input as I would not have reached this point in my model without the gracious assistance of this sites members.
I apologize if I came off rudely or in an inappropriate manner
Best regards
I'm missing the portholes for the steering wheel cabin
These portholes have been problematic from the beginning as they all came the same size within .002" and no dimensions on the plans.
Best regards
As far as I'm aware of, the Bluenose didn't have portholes in its wheelhouse. So you could happily do without them.
The part 16 doesn't fit as a top for steering wheel box!!!
And, the steering wheel came as a piece of costume jewelry with a cast in hoop for the chain. I ground the hoop of but it was formed from the side of the spoke handle and left a flat spot. The wheel appear to big for the steering box. I'm going to get busy reviewing some build logs to see if I'm crazy again
. best regards
Ted IMG20240830130450.jpg
The part 16 doesn't fit as a top for steering wheel box!!!
And, the steering wheel came as a piece of costume jewelry with a cast in hoop for the chain. I ground the hoop of but it was formed from the side of the spoke handle and left a flat spot. The wheel appear to big for the steering box. I'm going to get busy reviewing some build logs to see if I'm crazy again
. best regards
Ted View attachment 468429
View attachment 468430
There should have been 2ea. 3d printed ships wheel in your kit. YQ may have run out of them though.
The long edge of the wheelhouse interfaces with the deck, the length of the shorter, opposite edge should match the the length of the wheelhouse cover.
The kit should also hold two 0,5mm veneer parts, matching the inscribed lines. They're on the dories part tree.
I found pay2700 has the same clown ships wheel as I do.alk of the other build logs so far have one that is much superior.
The long edge of the wheelhouse interfaces with the deck, the length of the shorter, opposite edge should match the the length of the wheelhouse cover.
The kit should also hold two 0,5mm veneer parts, matching the inscribed lines. They're on the dories part tree.
I installed the veneer parts but my kit did not come with the prescribed port holes
I glued the inner parts that was supposed to be cut out to cover the holes as the veneer parts had already been installed. I didn't think I could just fill the hole and sand the area properly without doing more damage.IMG20240830184145.jpgIMG20240830183732.jpg