Hello everyone. I've been in this forum now for long enough that I feel comfortable sharing my 1st build, the Bluenose. This Model Shipways kit came with everything I needed to complete the build except for enough of the bras strips (1/64 x 1/8). The parts themselves were reasonably good quality, though I have to say I really don't have a lot of experience here. I will not be as detailed in this build as I've seen others do, since there is nothing magical about my work
. I will point out what I have learned along the way and add any pointers or things I feel are relevant to someone starting this kit. Hopefully you're not like me and just jumped in before doing any kind of research on how to actually build model ships. I'm one of those jumps in and refers to instructions when I'm stuck. Not the best advice for model ship building and I quickly learned to see what other are doing. Lots of online build logs for this ship. I found this one before I stumbled upon SOS. Blue Ensign Bluenose Build
I selected the Bluenose for my 1st build because of the great history of this Canadian icon. I was born on the East Coast of Canada so this ship has some Historical meaning for me. I also think she looks fantastic.

I selected the Bluenose for my 1st build because of the great history of this Canadian icon. I was born on the East Coast of Canada so this ship has some Historical meaning for me. I also think she looks fantastic.