Marine steam engines and boilers

THIS I WANT TO SEE BADLY,as you well know. Don

you and me both amen

There is a massive amount of CAD work to create this X section with the engine so I am getting help with the 3D work to move things along.

My problem is I am not a steam engineer so understanding the plans is quite the task and knowing what each part is and where it goes is difficult.

the plan is to create the parts and build a 3D model once I have the model then I can show it to others who might know. Steam is a huge hobby with members all over the world
the Henry Ford collection has a few steam engines so exactly what is a P block and what do they look like

the P stands for pillow so a P block is a cast casing with a brass inset for the end of a shaft to rest in. They look like 2 separate pieces the bottom and a cap which blots to the bottom. My guess is so the brass inserts can be replaced from time to time.

it might seem this is going a little overboard with the details but the devil is in the details right?

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still busy with CAD drawing this gothic steam engine for a cross section of the Mississippi

I finished the main frame and a part called the condenser. I have no idea how this goes together or how it works. This type of engine was used in Europe but not in north America so getting information is difficult. I do know it goes in the blue area and that's about it for now.

I think I might of bit off more than I can chew with doing a 3D model of the engine. I can draw it but it would be a struggle doing the 3D model and even harder trying to figure out how it goes together.

my thought is to do all the CAD drawings then do the pieces and parts as 3D models and try to fit it all together.

final frame.jpg

here is the main drawing of the condenser

condenser drawing 1.JPG

and here is a group of closeup images of the parts

condenser drawing 2.JPGcondenser drawing 3.JPGcondenser drawing 4.JPGcondenser drawing 5.JPGcondenser drawing 6.JPGcondenser drawing 7.JPG
one huge problem with this X section kit to include the steam engine is a WHAT IS IT? and where does it go?

here is the full plan titled safety valve
Feed Safety Valve full plan.jpg

breaking into higher res sections

Feed Safety Valve 2.jpg
Feed Safety Valve 3.jpg
Feed Safety Valve 4.jpg
Feed Safety Valve.jpg
they all operate the same

here is the cylinder all steam engines have one the shape will vary but they all operate the same. So lets look at cylinders


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next step in the cylinder for this engine is to look at the original drawings


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the original drawings are dated 1839 and are distorted and ripped so by taking the measurements from the originals they are redrawn in CAD


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a steam cylinder is the same as a cylinder in a gas car engine except it is steam that pushes the piston up and down

for a X section of the Mississippi engine room all the interior parts are not needed because it is just a dummy model. BUT for model engineers then all the parts need to be drawn and the engine built to operate under compresses air.


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and now for a sneak peek at the 3D modeling of the frame of the steam engine.

I think the future of ship modeling is to have 3D instructions with all the 3D parts, where they go in the model and how everything fits together. also a 3D model the builder can look at from any angle.

my old lap top gave up the ghost and it now dead so I had to replace it I noticed now windows has a 3D view program which is great because any model builder can view a STL file and look at a model from any point of view. This is a giant step in modeling.
As you know Dave I have been a proponet forquite some time YES THIS IS THE FUTRE OF SHIP MODEL BUILDING WILL BRING IN MANY NEW MEMBERS YOUGER ONES THAT KNOW HOW TO USE THIS NEW TECHNOLOGY, go for it Dave, we have had this discussion for over a year now. Don
here is a look at a 3D model of a gothic style steam engine

these were done with a program called fusion 360 there is a free trial download and free use to hobby users. I have been working with the program for the last couple weeks just to try it out. This is NOT my work but an example of what 3D modeling and 3d printing can add to our hobby.

Gothic 3 D Print 1.jpgGothic 3 D Print 2.jpgGothic 3 D Print 3.jpgGothic 3 D Print 4.jpgGothic 3 D Print 5.jpgGothic 3 D Print 6.jpgGothic 3 D Print 7.jpgGothic 3 D Print 8.jpgGothic 3 D Print 9.jpgGothic 3 D Print 10.jpgGothic Fusion 360 Render 1.jpgGothic Fusion 360 Render 2.jpgGothic Fusion 360 Render 3.jpgGothic Fusion 360 Render 4.jpgGothic Fusion 360 Render 5.jpgGothic Fusion 360 Render 6.jpgGothic Fusion 360 Render 7.jpgGothic Fusion 360 Render 8.jpgGothic Fusion 360 Render 9.jpg
up date on more details added to the engine frame this is where we were


and this is where we are with more details, the engine parts will be refined with more and more details and in time the final assembly

frame detail.JPGframe detail2.JPGframe detail3.JPGframe detail4.JPGframe detail5.JPG
when the engine has been modeled then it will be time to move on and build a cross section of the hull first as a 3D model then as a build.

when the prototype is finished then it will become an available builders project for anyone wanting to give it a go.