USS Bonhomme Richard 1779 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]

Thank you Jim! So you speak russian? )

I continue with mainwhale. I did it with respect to the drawing and usual French practice: the step is only along the upper edge of the whale. At the lower edge there is no step between whale planking and rest of the planking. I hope, it's evident from the photos, how I did it.


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Oh, by the way, forgot to say for those who will build this kit: here unlike on other kits, the tops of the frames don't represent the actuall top line of the timbers, they are given with a big excess. You need to use either the template from the kit or drawings to find the line where to cut the top of the frames.
Also, a lot of frames get just in the middle of the gunports. Four quarterdeck gunports go through four frames in that place. In general my very persistent advice is to fill the space between frames as much as possible after you finish the first planking, ideally - entirely, in order to create a solid thick walls that you will be able to sand from inside, creating a smooth surface with required side thickness. I did it only partially so had a lot of problems later while beveling and making inner planking. With a boat this size it's almost obligatory if you want a good result
Yes. By the way I bought it on TaoBao using google translate for the whole website. Delivery to Canada is pretty fast through DHL and costed about $200, you just need to figure out how the system works, which may be tough....
The quality is very good. There is no european/american kit that could reach this level of quality and detail - only several other chinese kits like Inger, Royal Caroline and several others (and possibly american Confederacy). It's also the biggest kit on the market after chinese Bellona. For the kit-makers this is a very good option, if you can handle the size and price.
- be sure no parts are missing. pretty regular thing with chinese
- wood is very good. first planking wood for me was better than lime
- my main wood is cherry, also very good, much-much better than wallnut or what else europeans put (though the pear is still little better)
- canons and decorations (CNCed) are also very good.
Now, if you become peaky and want everything to be ideal as per Ancre plans of this ship....
- you need to check everything. Basically all the dimensions are a little different (sometimes up to 10 mm). Location of the gunports, location of the masts, length, height and camber of the decks. You should choose your approach - you always can just stick to the kit. Nobody will ever measure your model with a caliper and compare it to the plans, so it's up to you. But if you start, you would need to recheck and redo everything. It just depends on your intentions and your skills.
- Gun carriages are not of correct construction
- The rigging blocks and deadyeys are of correct shape and good qualities, but the quantity is something like half of what you really need, and you would need a bigger range of dimensions if you want to make it good.
Other staff is minor. Having an Ancre monography, one can build a real masterpiece from this kit
Beautiful work on a beautiful ship. You say pear wood is better than the cherry. Is this your personal opinion or have you used pear before and found it to be better?

Beautiful work on a beautiful ship. You say pear wood is better than the cherry. Is this your personal opinion or have you used pear before and found it to be better?
Hi John, I am afraid to speak for the entire model shipbuilding community, put personally love Pearwood the best as timbering and planking among others. It is my only and preferred choice. Beautiful color after varnishing with oil. It is also expensive compared to Cherry. Please spend some time, and learn some of the wood characteristics from one of our threads started by Dave Stevens, He owns DlumberYard on-line store, specializing in selling resawn wood.

Hope this will help,
Hi John, I am afraid to speak for the entire model shipbuilding community, put personally love Pearwood the best as timbering and planking among others. It is my only and preferred choice. Beautiful color after varnishing with oil. It is also expensive compared to Cherry. Please spend some time, and learn some of the wood characteristics from one of our threads started by Dave Stevens, He owns DlumberYard on-line store, specializing in selling resawn wood.

Hope this will help,
Thanks for your response. I have been a wood worker for 40 years building furniture etc. I asked about the pear wood as I have never used it. I have used cherry many times over the years. I just wanted this fellows opinion as it related to using it on a model.
Thanks once again

Whiskers, I don't know about the furniture, but for the shipmodels pear is really very good. The best modellers in the world use it on their models. Compared to cherry it has a finer and more uniform structure. It is very nice to work with, as it gives you very clean and sharp edges. It also comes in a big variety of shades, so you can choose what you want your model to look like. On this current build everything that I added and that was not in the kit - is made of pear. From the photos that I already posted - this is skin reinforsment in front part of the hull - I chose a more "pinkish" colour of pear, to make some accent
Whiskers, I don't know about the furniture, but for the shipmodels pear is really very good. The best modellers in the world use it on their models. Compared to cherry it has a finer and more uniform structure. It is very nice to work with, as it gives you very clean and sharp edges. It also comes in a big variety of shades, so you can choose what you want your model to look like. On this current build everything that I added and that was not in the kit - is made of pear. From the photos that I already posted - this is skin reinforsment in front part of the hull - I chose a more "pinkish" colour of pear, to make some accent
Sounds like a beautiful wood to work with. I’ve never been asked to make anything out of it. From looking at pictures it sure backs up what you are saying.
Thanks for the information.
Never use bamboo. I asked my relatives in Ukraine to buy and send me the ones made from birch. I used about 12,000 total on the ship (each side of the toothpick was used)

Sanded them flash

Hi Oleg,

Can t you get them in birch in Canada?
For instance here in The Netherlands standard available in the supermarket for something like usd 1,50 per 400 pieces.
I check them by breaking them to see if it is birch or bamboo.