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jean boudriot

  1. Uwek

    Planset review LE BOULLONGNE - flûte de la COMPAGNIE DES INDES - 1759 - scale 1:48 - by Jean Boudriot

    Planset Review: LE BOULLONGNE flûte de la COMPAGNIE DES INDES - 1759 Vol.1: Vaisseaux Hommes, Voyages et Commerce Vol.2: Boullongne - Vaisseau 600.tx - scale 1:48 by Jean Boudriot THE SHIPS OF THE "COMPAGNIE DES INDES" 1720 - 1770 People, Voyages, and Trade With complete plans of the timber...
  2. Jeronimo

    74 Gun Ship - Gun decks [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Hello modeling friends. Animated by the pictures by Gregory Franchetti and the drawings by Jean Boudriot, I try to build the three gun decks as a cross-sectional on a scale 1/24. First, I made an auxiliary construction four the mounting and alignment of the frames, to strengthen them , the bar...
  3. Uwek

    LES VAISSEAUX de 74 à 120 canons - Historique 1650-1850" by Jean Boudriot & Hubert Berti

    Book Review: LES VAISSEAUX de 74 à 120 canons Historique 1650-1850 by Jean Boudriot & Hubert Berti available directly from ancre in french language, unfortunately in moment no other languages https://ancre.fr/fr/ouvrages-de-base/67-vaisseaux-les-de-74-a-120-canons.html 74- to 120-GUN...
  4. Uwek

    Planset review Le CERF - Cotre - 1779 - 1780" in scale 1:48 by Jean BOUDRIOT & Hubert BERTI

    Planset Review: Le CERF Cotre 1779 - 1780 in scale 1:48 by Jean BOUDRIOT & Hubert BERTI available from ancre in french, english or italian language https://ancre.fr/en/monograph/34-monographie-du-cerf-cotre-1778.html#/langue-anglais/download-solo_libro_en_espanol Excerpts from the...
  5. shipphotographer.com

    French cutter Le Cerf (1779-1780) - Scratch build 1:48 or just a DEER...

    The La_Cerf's keel was laid in my shipyard in June 2014. In AutoCad I drew the bulkheads with steps in them for the clinker planking, which speeded up the planking with narrowing only in the bow and stern. To provide a larger area of adhesion, the spaces in the stern and the bow are filled with...
  6. Uwek

    Planset review LE MERCURE - Navire marchand - 1730" in scale 1:48 by Jean Boudriot

    Planset Review: LE MERCURE Le Navire marchand - 1730 THE MERCHANT SHIP in the Ancien Régime An Historical study and a Monograph with all plans of the timber works in scale 1:48 by Jean Boudriot In French or Italian language available directly at ancre...
  7. Uwek

    Planset review THE THREE-DECKER of the Chevalier de TOURVILLE - LE TROIS-PONTS du Chevalier de TOURVILLE - L’AMBITIEUX - 1680" by Jean Boudriot

    Planset Review: THE THREE-DECKER of the Chevalier de TOURVILLE LE TROIS-PONTS du Chevalier de TOURVILLE L’AMBITIEUX 1680 by Jean Boudriot Two volume set available in English, French or Italian language directly from ancre...
  8. Uwek

    Planset review LA BELLE-POULE - 1765 - 12-pdr frigate" in 1:48 by Jean Boudriot & Hubert Berti

    Planset Review: LA BELLE-POULE 1765 - 12-pdr Frigate by ENGINEER GUIGNACE - A STUDY OF 12-PDR FRIGATE - frégate de XII de 1765 By Jean Boudriot & Hubert Berti - Translated by François Fougerat This interesting monograph with 22 drawings mainly in scale 1:48 was published in the original...
  9. Squarebriggs

    French 8 pounder frigate La Castor, from Le Renommee draught by Jean Boudriot, Combination method, Bread and butter and plank on rib.

    Began to build a model of the French 8 pounder frigate La castor, built in Quebec City at the Royal Dockyard, by R.N. Lavasseur, master shipwright. I am basing it on the plan for Le Renommee, of 1744, of the same class. I am building her in the combination method, lower hull bread and butter...
  10. Uwek

    Planset review Corvette LA CREOLE - 1823" in scale 1:48 by Jean Boudriot

    Planset Review: Corvette LA CREOLE - 1823 A HISTORY OF THE CORVETTE IN THE FRENCH NAVY 1650-1850 & MONOGRAPH in scale 1:48 by Jean Boudriot This monograph, published by Jean Boudriot already in 1990, is still available at ancre in french or italian language...
  11. Uwek

    Planset review L'AURORE - navire négrier / slaver - 1784" in scale 1:36 by Jean Boudriot

    Planset Review: L'AURORE navire négrier / slaver - 1784 by Jean Boudriot Scale 1:36 It is one of the earlier monographies Jean Boudriot published in 1984, but still this ship is often built by modelers and seen available from ancre in scale 1:36 in french and italian language...
  12. Uwek

    Book review THE HISTORY OF THE FRENCH FRIGATE 1650-1850" by Jean Boudriot & Hubert Berti

    Book Review: THE HISTORY OF THE FRENCH FRIGATE 1650-1850 by Jean Boudriot & Hubert Berti translated by David H. Roberts actual title of revised copy FRIGATES IN THE FRENCH NAVY 1650 - 1850 AN HISTORICAL STUDY OF THE FRIGATE IN THE FRENCH NAVY original french title: La FREGATE Marine de...
  13. Uwek

    Planset review LE BATEAU DE LANVEOC -Traversier Brest" scale 1:36 - by Jean Boudriot & Hubert Berti

    Planset Review: LE BATEAU DE LANVEOC -Traversier Brest Petite marine des XVII et XVIIIème siècles The little navy (ferry boat) in the 17th and 18th centuries in scale 1:36 by Jean Boudriot & Hubert Berti available from ancre in french or italian language...
  14. Uwek

    Planset review LA VENUS - 18-pdr frigate 1782" by J.Boudriot / H. Berti + "Structural Elements LA VENUS" by F. Fissore

    Planset Review: LA VENUS - 18-pdr frigate 1782 by Jean Boudriot & Hubert Berti in scale 1:48 + Structural Elements LA VENUS by Franco Fissore in scale 1:48 with english translations by Francois Fougerat This monographie is available from ancre in different languages, which can be choosen...
  15. Uwek

    Planset review LE FLEURON - 64-gun Ship by Joseph & Blaise OLLIVIER" - 1729 - by Gerard Delacroix and Jean Boudriot

    Planset Review: LE FLEURON 64-gun Ship by Joseph & Blaise OLLIVIER - 1729 by Gerard Delacroix and Jean Boudriot in scale 1:48 / english translation by Gilles Korent This monographie is available from ancre in different languages, which can be choosen - English / French / Italian or...
  16. Uwek

    Planset review THE 74-GUN SHIP" (31 + 11 plans) in scale 1:48 (or 1:72) by Jean Boudriot and Timbering plans by JC Lemineur

    Planset Review: "THE 74-GUN SHIP" (31 + 11 plans) in scale 1:48 (or 1:72) 31 plans by Jean Boudriot and 11 Timbering plans by JC Lemineur The drawing set is available in scale 1:72 or in scale 1:48 - my set (showing here) is in scale 1:48 complete Drawing set or only the newer...
  17. Uwek

    Book review THE 74-GUN SHIP - Volume 1 - HULL CONSTRUCTION" (Set of 4 Volumes) - by Jean Boudriot

    Book Review: THE 74-Gun SHIP / THE SEVENTY-FOUR GUN SHIP A Practical Treatise on the Art of Naval Architecture 4 Volume Set (Set of 4 volumes) Overview of the Content of all 4 Volumes Here: Volume 1 - HULL CONSTRUCTION by Jean Boudriot english translation by David H. Roberts...
  18. Uwek

    Book review NAVAL ARTILLERY French navy 1650-1850" - NEW ENGLISH VERSION - by Jean Boudriot and Hubert Berti

    Book Review: NAVAL ARTILLERY French navy 1650-1850 An Historical and Technical Study Set of 93 plates. NEW ENGLISH VERSION by Jean Boudriot and Hubert Berti Translated by François Fougerat This book in french language was over a long time one of the Basic Books published by ancre...
  19. Uwek

    Planset review La RENOMMÉE - Frégate de VIII - 1744" - 1:48 - Jean Boudriot

    Planset Review: La RENOMMÉE - Frégate de VIII - 1744 in scale 1:48 by Jean Boudriot Monographie is available directly from ancre via https://ancre.fr/en/monograph/20-monographie-de-la-renommee-fregate-de-8-1744.html#/langue-anglais Price is 135,- Euro There are different languages...
  20. Uwek

    Planset review LA BELLE - 1684" - 20 plates in scale 1:24 / 36 / 48 - by Jean Boudriot

    Planset Review: "LA BELLE - 1684" - 20 plates in scale 1:24 / 36 / 48 by Jean Boudriot translated by François Fougerat left the hardcover book, on the right side the softcover planset the book with planset is available from ancre at a price of 105,- Euro...