Hi everyone. A quick update. I've decided to install the Hulls Rudder Hinges prior to painting the Lower Hull White. The Rudder Hinges & the Rudder itself ended up being a lot more work then anticipated!!!!! The First thing needed done was to Resize the Rudder itself. In the 1st photo, you will see the Blue Markings. This is the areas that the Rudder that was trimmed down to match the Plans from the Royal Museum in Greenwich & AOS. This step is actually pretty important since I am painting the Below the Water Line (BWL) White and Line would not be correct on the Rudder Location if I did not (See Photos). The other issue that the Kit Maker got wrong was some of the Rudder Hinges are not Long enough!!! I decided to make 2 of the needed Longer ones out of wood since they will be painted white. I painted the Wood Hinges Wrought Iron so I can get the desired effect of Color after Painting over them the White Color. I will add more Photos of the Hinges soon because I am not done yet. The Rudder is Just Sitting on the Hinges for the Photos ONLY!!!