I didn't like the mirored case floor, too busy. So I played around a bit with the it. I found a light gray cardboard to act as tla concrete floor, I added a few oil stains (it's a british car, they leak) and some tire tracks. I also added a cast iron floor grate. The idea with the grate is to have a water puddle under the radiator/engine block area that will drain towards it. The water will be made with a very thin flexible plastic miror. I'll position the puddle so that the engine can be seen without the need for a full mirored floor. The puddle in the pictures is only a test, but the rest is pretty much final. I also finished the lighting control panel, I used a hand wheel in lieu of a knob to ajust the intensity. Here area few pictures of the not yet quite finished setup.

View attachment 20240704_161918.mp4
Nameplate not fixed yet

View attachment 20240704_161918.mp4
Nameplate not fixed yet