BTW: Ab, your rigging and sails are really looking very authentic - very good to compare the "before and after"
Hi Ab,Hello Maarten,
As stated earlier I make my flags from very thin transparant paper. My liquor supplyer wraps my whisky bottle in it (the Dutch variation of the brown paper bag), so there is always a good excuse to buy a new one. ‘I’m out of flags honey’
I draw the flags on a sheet of sufficient size and paste that to an improvised wooden frame. That’s how both sides of the flag can be painted at once. The trick is the amount of paint to use. I take a little bit of paint at the tip of my brush and dip it in turpentine. Then I mix the combination on a piece of paper until a very diluted mixture of paint and turpentine remains on the brush. That’s what I use to color the flag.
Long ago I used to paint with undiluted paint, but the result was far too bright. And it did not match with the intensity of the colors of the ship.
Once thoroughly dry I cut the flags to their size and crumple them to small balls, carefully open them again and repeat the proces. When the result is as I wanted it ,I only partly stretch the flag and glue it to the flagpole. It can be easily handled to a naturally flapping flag.
It’s so easy!
Gone with the wind, Clark Gable. I was forced to see that movie a few times.actually my dear, I don't give a damn