Kits by OcCre BLUENOSE SCHOONER POF MODEL -1:72 – YuanQing Models

Hallo Heinrich,
first of all congratulations and many thanks for this very informative and detailed kit review.
It is looking really like a very interesting kit, which will find the way to customers.
Also a very interesting original vessel, which will fit very well to other fishing schooners. I think there is also the America in the same scale of 1:72 available from other producers (off course not POF).
This model is very attractive because of the POF structure showing the frames, beams etc.
Therefore I guess most of the modelers will be happy with the given and by the manufacturer defined deck-planking.



It seems that in the kit the portside deck planking is prepared - also with a fixed opening (see red arrows) - and for starboard the deck is not included.
The shown wooden strips I guess are for the hull planking (maybe also only for one side. (BTW: Which kind of timber are they?)
Maybe it would be good, that YuanQing Models would add enough wooden strips for both sides of the hull, but also strips for the complete deck planking.
It is only a suggestion, to make this kit more attractive, because I am sure, that several modelers would like to show the deck planking different than the defined laser deck. Just a thought.....
Hello Everyone. I am still at work so I am just quickly posting this between classes. THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU! The support, comments and likes have been HUGE!!! To each and every one who has posted, liked and ordered, my sincere and humblest of thanks. I will answer in full when I am home later tonight and take the stern-decoration discussion further. Hopefully we can get consensus on that very speedily so that I can communicate that with YuanQing.

Talks and suggestions between myself and YuanQing are also underway which will see an ever-strengthening of relationships! See you all a bit later.

Kind regards - Heinrich
Hallo Heinrich,
first of all congratulations and many thanks for this very informative and detailed kit review.
It is looking really like a very interesting kit, which will find the way to customers.
Also a very interesting original vessel, which will fit very well to other fishing schooners. I think there is also the America in the same scale of 1:72 available from other producers (off course not POF).
This model is very attractive because of the POF structure showing the frames, beams etc.
Therefore I guess most of the modelers will be happy with the given and by the manufacturer defined deck-planking.

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It seems that in the kit the portside deck planking is prepared - also with a fixed opening (see red arrows) - and for starboard the deck is not included.
The shown wooden strips I guess are for the hull planking (maybe also only for one side. (BTW: Which kind of timber are they?)
Maybe it would be good, that YuanQing Models would add enough wooden strips for both sides of the hull, but also strips for the complete deck planking.
It is only a suggestion, to make this kit more attractive, because I am sure, that several modelers would like to show the deck planking different than the defined laser deck. Just a thought.....
Dear Uwe

Thank you for the kind comments. You are right: The port side of the hull is fully-planked, whilst the starboard side shows the exposed ribs and frame. That is why the kit supplies deck planking only on the starboard side. On many similar scratch-builds, one of the challenges has also been to decide what portions of the deck needs to be planked and which has to be left open for maximum effect. Luckily, YuanQing has taken this guesswork upon themselves and that is not a decision that the builder will have to struggle with.

As far as the wood-type goes. The hull is planked with AA grade Wild Pear wood and the deck with AA grade Red Beech wood.
I have an idea if your friends at YuanQing would be open to it. Photo Etched letters and both types of symbols one a
single fret so that the modeller could simply choose when finishing his stern. This way both camps are happy and you
can model her for either time period if you are after a specific time you want to represent. A small step in that direction from
the factory would go a long way in creating brand loyalty.

If they would go for the idea and want to even go one step further, individual brass letter and symbols on a carrier film with
a good adheasive on the backs of the letters. That would allow anyone to line everything up perfect since you are just transferring
from the carrier film directly to the model in one step.

Just suggestions @Heinrich . She's a very nice model and I'll be ready for one hopefully by say April next year if Im lucky.
Dear Gents - I am back so let us look at the stern issue.

FACT: The brass name plate is historically incorrect.

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This picture indicates two locations:

The White indicates the location of the original Bluenose's name.
The Yellow indicates the location of the Bluenose II replica's name.


The original Bluenose. The lettering is in white and contains only the words BLUENOSE, the MASONIC SYMBOL & LUNENBERG all in one line. (The NS for Nova Scotia is omitted).


Bluenose II (courtesy of Halifaxphoto). The lettering is in gold and contains the words BLUENOSE II with LUNENBURG, N.S. underneath.

I think I speak for everyone if I say we stick to the original option with white lettering.

Dave Lester - who originally explored the connection between the Masons and Bluenose - built the Model Shipways Bluenose in 1:64 scale here on SOS. Dave is unfortunately no longer a member of SOS - neither do I know where to find him to obtain permission to use his photo. However, since the picture is still available on SOS, I am sure that it will be OK seeing that we are using it for a good cause here.

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This is David's model of the Bluenose with the original lettering and masonic symbol. (Photograph by David Lester)


This is the lettering that David created. (Photograph by David Lester)

On the picture this looks good, but he did mention that the letters were very small. Obviously in 1:72 scale, they are even going to be smaller.

Is everyone happy with this?
@Clair G Dear Clair thank you very much for your kind words. She is indeed a beautiful model and even though I have pulled out all the stops with the pictures, photographs can still not convey the amazing sense of warmth that the wood gives.

After I have read everyone's suggestions, I think you are you on to a very good there. Photo-etched letters would give us the accuracy of lettering that I am sure that everyone would be happy with. That eliminates stenciling and decals completely. The only paintwork that would have to be carried out, is painting the letters and symbol white. As to the two symbols - no one has voted for the Odd Fellows so far so the overwhelming favourite is the Masonic symbol. Should @marter1229 Terry choose to, he can simply leave out the Masonic symbol.

What does everyone think?
@coalman Hello Mike. I still need you to state your preference re the symbol to be used on the stern. Please look at Post #23 on page 2 and make your choice between Options 1, 2 or 3. Thank you! :)
Thankyou for the prompt.
I choose the no 2 configuration with the Masonic Symbol.............

.............But is this the model of Blue Nose or Blue Nose 2.

I have just been looking at Gary Brinker's videos on you tube re Bluenose POB model. There are 40 episodes in all.
In episode 2 (I think) after his research particularly a colour photo in the episode, he talks of the differences between the versions of the ship in that BN 2 has guard rails around the stern and white life rafts on the cabin roof and is post 1938 (all from my memory).

The middle photo in post 23 shows guard ropes/rails and the Masonic Symbol and therefore, seemingly, BN2.
The bottom photo in the same post shows no rope/rail and only the Odd Fellows Symbol and therefore BN.
Sorry to muddy the waters.
Your comments/adjudication would be most welcome as would be those of others.
Many thanks for keeping me on my ancient picky toes.
Very best regards,
@coalman Mike, what an observant post. You are certainly on your toes. We are very fortunate in that we have Rich (@PT-2 ) who is not only a Mason but who has been in personal contact with the lodges with regards to Bluenose and Angus Walters. Rich you can chip in here with the dates, but we have ascertained is that Bluenose seemed to have carried the Masonic symbol up to 1938. Thereafter it was changed to the Odd Fellows logo - Angus Walters was a member of both.

With regards to the model - it was designed to depict the original Bluenose.
@DonRobinson Great to hear that Don. Not long to go now before I activate and explain the link. :D YuanQing is just waiting for my recommendation, so let's just make the majority happy and then I will pass the answer on to them tomorrow. I am sure that with the reaction to date, I will have a clear indication of which way to go tomorrow.
@Clair G Dear Clair thank you very much for your kind words. She is indeed a beautiful model and even though I have pulled out all the stops with the pictures, photographs can still not convey the amazing sense of warmth that the wood gives.

After I have read everyone's suggestions, I think you are you on to a very good there. Photo-etched letters would give us the accuracy of lettering that I am sure that everyone would be happy with. That eliminates stenciling and decals completely. The only paintwork that would have to be carried out, is painting the letters and symbol white. As to the two symbols - no one has voted for the Odd Fellows so far so the overwhelming favourite is the Masonic symbol. Should @marter1229 Terry choose to, he can simply leave out the Masonic symbol.

What does everyone think?
Hello Heinrich, yes you are very correct with the Photo-etched letters, this is what I had in mind to start but failed to be able to get my point across, Thanks again for all of your help and input into this Bluenose kit. When can I place my order.
Regards Lawrence
@Virtakuono Thank you for your kind words re the review and the kit. Does this mean that I must add your name to the list?:D
Well, i am intending on getting one, i really want to build this model and display it at my summer cottage, so yes. But probably not before christmas, though. I would love to have it with sails, but it is no big deal to make them myself if i want them :)