Amazing work! When I first came across SOS I had no idea so many people worked on more than wooden ships and in so many different mediums. I am learning so much that I wished I had learned when I was younger and still had better eyesight!thank you all for the kind words.
@rtibbs - This model is very precise and the parts fit very well - very good design. It just depends on how far you wish to modify the model - just like any other thing.
My downfall was not reading further into the instructions for a few unwanted surprises - in other words, some of the steps might could have been done in another order. But, overall - I do suggest this model if anyone is interested.
I have a question about the steering gearbox misalignment. Did you find that a missed step or read-ahead in the instructions was possibly the cause or are you sure that the spacer (nice!) was required to correct that issue with this kit?