I have been working on the sweep ports. And it is so small it's almost impossible to make them for me.
I'm even happy i didn't make the holes true the sides of the model and place the sweep ports open.
I need to mention that open sweep ports would be probably a lot nicer to see.
Well i first painted the sweep ports hanging matt black and let them all together.
I didn't remove them from the brass etched sheet.
You can see a photo of that in my previous post.
Next i took the lightest walnut strip of 0.5x3mm i could find otherwise they get to dark on the sides of the model and i don't want that.
Still it's a lot darker than i wanted but there isn't a lighter one and i don't have some other old strip laying around here with the right thickness.
First i make a few strips with a length of 35mm and glue careful the hangings on to it.

Next i cut the strips with the hanging on a size of 3.75mm long

While i was cutting them i found out the brass hangings didn't stick very good to the strip.
And i had to glue some again on to the small walnut strip parts.
Then i made from a old strip a easy mall.
Now it's easier to place the sweep ports on the right place and hight.

When you are gonna place the sweep ports there are a few things you need to pay attention to.
1. The ports go open to the front of the ship so the "legs" of the hanging point to the front.
2. The legs have a little bit a S-turn. That turn need to go under.

I saw point 2 to late myself and have some sweep ports on my model now wrong.
I won't change it because taking them of now will make it not better but probably some unnecessary damage.
As long you don't tell anyone, no one will notice it. The are to small for it.