now its on to the fire hydrants, just a little bit of a clean up needed on these, and a little bit of drilling, the two
largest parts at the top of the pic had a short stub on the bottom that is to be glued into a tube, but I decided
to cut the stub off and drill them through to take a piece of brass rod that would go right down through and
into the deck, I though it would be stronger this way,
both parts with the stub cut off and one part has been drilled through,
I then sleeved the brass rod with some brass tube to bring it to the right diameter and glued the cast bases in
place, these two hydrants are sitting on the work bench with the brass rod that will go through the deck actually
going through the work bench,
After drilling out the two holes on the top parts and glueing the hydrant connections on,
the hand wheels that go on the top are very fragile and they needed to
be drilled out, so I placed them on a piece of wood and taking a drill bit
of the right size I gently tapped the drill bit into the small hole that was
there, then I placed them over a small hole I had drilled through the wood
and kept tapping the drill bit till it went right through, then they just slipped
into place these are very soft and need a lot of care in handling, however
when they are completely glued up they are quite strong,
The hand wheels in place,
My fingers just to show the size of the pieces,
and finally with a coat of red paint, they will dry matt,