It is a delight to follow your build!
Hi Pat,You wrote that the pictures make it look good but on pictures you see every little mistake and bad spots so its your work that is good to the mm. How do you solder brass? High heat?
pictures you see every little mistake and bad spots
I second Ron! @Pat71 It is not that difficult, it is all about how clean and tight the soldering joints.Soldering brass is as easy as soldering copper
@Pat71 It all depends on the time and\or mood I have. usually a few hours during the weekdays and more time on the weekend. Also, it greatly depends on what part of the project you are working ON. Rigging - is not my best part, though.How long do you spend in the shipyard a day?
Yes, it is super easy! As long as you soldering parts are tight together, it just a matter to close the sim. But obviously, it depends on if the part needs to hold tension or it visible to your eyes (without magnifying glasses).Jim, Is it easy to judge the amount of paste to use? I like the idea of silver instead of tin and lead!
You will look for silver soldering paste (easy, or low temperature) something like this: gonna look for that paste
I am not sure about this one. I have never used nor familiar with it. See in the jewelry stores. It is a common product for a jewelry storeFound this one
H Jim, I have a lot of questions on the typ of glues to use and where to get them,,,