OK, so let open Pinta....
Exiting moment; just wondering should we not be that exited when opening a kit box, or is it just me? Aging? Anyhow...

Nice set of instructions, we'll how are they once i start following..

Flags, parts, ..

The wood appears to be of nice quality, no wrinkled/crooked parts so far..

The ship boat will definitely be replaced with a scratch build one, as well as guns' carriage..

Quick check shows not obvious sighs on twisted plywood.. maybe a bit on the end...

Will check it later...

Now it is time to mark the parts and cut from the frame...

Next will be dry fitting and thinking of a place to run cables for lights...
Happy modelling..
Exiting moment; just wondering should we not be that exited when opening a kit box, or is it just me? Aging? Anyhow...

Nice set of instructions, we'll how are they once i start following..

Flags, parts, ..

The wood appears to be of nice quality, no wrinkled/crooked parts so far..

The ship boat will definitely be replaced with a scratch build one, as well as guns' carriage..

Quick check shows not obvious sighs on twisted plywood.. maybe a bit on the end...

Will check it later...

Now it is time to mark the parts and cut from the frame...

Next will be dry fitting and thinking of a place to run cables for lights...
Happy modelling..