It is time to add few more details to the ship boats; this time it is a boat hook. Going thru some book, was able to locate the way boat hook should look alike in that period. I had two approaches: one to carve it completely in one piece and second was to carve the top and the handle separately, then to assemble them together.. Carving first... Mark it on the piece of left over planking.. the carving piece should be strong enough to hold delicate details and easy on carving at the same time..

Not that bad after all, with one broken attempt...

The second is to carve a top and handle separately...

Drill a hole for a handle...

Handle was made out of a toothpick, sanded to the desire thickness.

Both hooks completed..

The oars are placed to the boat, and secured... Process of stretching the rope used to secure oars.. this will allow me to cut the rope easily in this tight space..

With hooks... and rudder...

Resting to the final positioning... dust free...


Not that bad after all, with one broken attempt...

The second is to carve a top and handle separately...

Drill a hole for a handle...

Handle was made out of a toothpick, sanded to the desire thickness.

Both hooks completed..

The oars are placed to the boat, and secured... Process of stretching the rope used to secure oars.. this will allow me to cut the rope easily in this tight space..

With hooks... and rudder...

Resting to the final positioning... dust free...
