What I read is that it has a small wind driven anemometer that displays the airspeed in Kilometers per hour, that is located on the wing strut.Dean does this plane have a pitot tube by chance?
What I read is that it has a small wind driven anemometer that displays the airspeed in Kilometers per hour, that is located on the wing strut.Dean does this plane have a pitot tube by chance?
Thank you Adi!Looks absolutely great, Dean
Agreed! I have to get some 1/48 scale Eduard kits and try to find some Wingnut Wings kits in 1/32 scale on the secondhand market!Exactly Dean, I had similar experiences, that's why I prefer to build in 1:32.
Thank you Uwe!Very good result - Bravo - Bravisimo
Thank you Daniel, I appreciate that analogy!Excellent Dean! Without a scale reference such as your hand the plane appears much bigger than it is. Thats surely a sign of expert detailing, I love it.
Thank you Adi! The fuselage will be black, but will have a lot of decals. So that should be interesting. Hoping it turns out nice!Very clean and very nicely done.