Spent a lot of time on where all the fore mast standing rigging lines tie off.
Once I had confidence in the placement I began.
Here is the 2 fore back stay lines rigged.
From another angle.
Initially I thought the lines would tie off at a belaying pin.
However, there is not a pin near the blocks so I ended up wrapping the excess line around the tackle lines.
Ran the fore stay and the jib stay lines next.
The 2 lines on the right are those stays. I tied a line around those two lines at the fore mast (it runs straight up the fore mast), it will pull the 2 stay lines off the back of the shroud lines.
Here's a better picture showing the line pulled taught.
I next added the flying jib and the top fore mast rigging lines.
I show here where the fore stay, jib stay, flying jib stay and the top fore mast stay all tie off to the bow spirit.
Some pics showing them all connected. I have the main mast placed but not glued.
I need to do a better job with the pictures. Flash kept going off and I was to lazy to turn it off.
Also taking these entire ship pictures is challenging, either to far away and details don't show or to close and the masts get cut off.
I did not realize that in taking on ship model building I would also need to up my photography skills
Having the fore mast standing rigging completed is very a satisfying feeling.
I actually look forward to rigging the main mast !
But then there's those ratlines ........