Szkutnik - New Products FIGUREHEADS FOR MODELS - CNC MILLING / 3D PRINT - for private orders

Truly excellent work. Prices would be nice, but I understand that will depend on scale and other factors. What /I/ would need to see, before purchasing a hull like this, is a construction log showing how to build using an essentially 1-piece hull. How inside structure should be done, if instructions or plans suggest anything, how it's attached to superstructure, etc. I would have no idea how to proceed if I purchased and had this, so of course I could not buy it without more information. It would also be good to know if planking detail is included (sometimes it appears not, other times yes).

Nevertheless, wonderful models!
@Signet and the other modelers

The printed 3D hull is similar to the hulls which you can find in plastic model kits from Heller or Airfix - HULL SHELL.
Whether you cover it with veneer or strips it is your choice.

MAIN IDEA IS HELP MODELERS IN BUILDING A SRATCH MODEL. The 3D printed, ready-made hull speeds up the building of the model. Not everyone has enough time for their hobbies.

ADVANTAGES = You can build any model from scratch whatever you want. ONLY YOU decide what model it will be. How big. You don't have to limit yourself to the ready-made sets available on the modelling market. We will design and 3D print the hull of any sailing ship, ship or vessel. If necessary, we will design and 3D print additional elements such as decors. barrels, bells, anchors etc. We can 3D print full model for you. It is not problem for us.

I don't know if you know Robert Hahn's website = Building of the Titanic model - LOOK HERE

With the SZKUTNIK-TEAM you can build any model if you want in a similar way. You just need to send us good documentation, drawings and photos on the basis of which we will create our project.
The Tiger, Le Fleuron, Saint Philippe, Douphine Royal and other models were created on this principle of operation. We try to help you realize your modeling dreams. :D