"Flying Cloud " by Mamoli - kit bash

No, I have not. Title? I'd love to read it. I have the old Time Life book on the clipper ships that I keep re-reading. I was enthralled by the extensive portion devoted to the Flying Cloud's history and the compelling story of the captain and his young wife THE NAVIGATOR! Thumbsup And how the terrified crew attempted to bore holes in the bow from the inside in order to force the captain to put into port, rather than continue the perilous passage around the horn! :eek: One of the many reasons I want to build her, along with the impression I had when I first saw a clipper ship model when I was four years old. Not just "I gotta HAVE one of THOSE!" But "I gotta BUILD one of those!
By the way. Welcome aboard.
(By the way, you bear a striking resemblance to old Donald McKay himself!;) )

Donald and I go way back…..55 years since I built my first McKay clipper. I have an extensive clipper ship library to aid in my adventures.
Here is that must read book. 97AEDAE5-A5B8-436B-B1F3-B4AC904C1A7A.jpeg
Donald and I go way back…..55 years since I built my first McKay clipper. I have an extensive clipper ship library to aid in my adventures.
Here is that must read book. View attachment 458229
Oh, and I also have the complete TimeLife Seafarer series. I started ordering it when it first came out back in 1978 One volume every 3 months or so. It took forever. I had to scrounge old used bookstores across the country during my travels to complete the series. I have a couple duplicates.

"Sail, the Romance of the Clipper Ships" are my favorites. If you can't afford to spring for the pricey originals, a nice 1972 cased collection of all three volumes will get you the same illustrations. Here are a few more of my favorite works of his:
(1) 1852 McKay extreme clipper Sovereign of the Seas
(2) 1972 "Sail, the Romance of the Clipper Ships" slipcase
(3) 1889 General Trader Neotsfield chosen for the 1972 slipcase cover art
(4) 1853 James Baines Black Ball Line Australian McKay built extreme clipper Lightning
(5) 1869 famous Scottish tea clipper Cutty Sark ploughing through the waves

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I love my 3 book volume. What a resource.
@rwiederrich Rob
Welcome to the conversation! Ironically, I came across this site by looking at more gorgeous pictures of your finished 1:96th scale Glory of the Seas model. Peter Gutterman has created the nicest Flying Cloud prow I've ever seen and Bill plans to do more research before he begins his Mamoli model. Progress continues!
I am not planning to build the Mamoli kit. I am planning on building the Bluejacket kit using the hull and wood sent by Pete as well as the fittings from Bluejacket.

Oh, and I also have the complete TimeLife Seafarer series. I started ordering it when it first came out back in 1978 One volume every 3 months or so. It took forever. I had to scrounge old used bookstores across the country during my travels to complete the series. I have a couple duplicates.

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I picked up my collection in a used bookstore called The Book Barn in Waterford, CT. They do carry an extensive line of Maritime issues.

I am not planning to build the Mamoli kit. As I am planning on building the Bluejacket kit using the hull and wood sent by Pete as well as the fittings from Bluejacket.

Have you contacted Nic over at Bluejacket…..to see if he has any original stock fittings? He is a real help and can give lots of good advice. They sell some of the best clipper ship fittings……if you don’t scratch build them.

Have you contacted Nic over at Bluejacket…..to see if he has any original stock fittings? He is a real help and can give lots of good advice. They sell some of the best clipper ship fittings……if you don’t scratch build them.

Good idea. Their phone#1-800-448-5567 in Maine, 9-5 www.bluejacketinc,com or info@bluejacket.com You'll get Trisha on the phone, Nic's wife. They also have a laser cutter service. They have a Red Jacket Clipper model Iin 1:96 scale, so they have the parts and still carry the Flying Cloud figurehead to scale in stock for 6 bucks. Thumbsup might even be able to put together a package of fittings similar to the one for Red Jacket. Won't hurt to ask. (Model Shipways won't sell the Flying Fish fittings package separately, I asked. Online only. No person to cajole on the phone. An increasingly typical problem these days.Cautious
Another good resource for clipper ship fittings in 1:96 scale is A.J. Fisher, Rita and Bill Partridge, in MA. (978) 462-4555 Call, leave a message and Rita will call back.
www.ajfisher.com, catalog online. I downloaded mine, 56 pages. Both a little old fashioned, but you get to talk to real people about exactly what you are doing, what you need and what for, and they know exactly what you and they are talking about. The fact that they carry clipper era spar trusses alone is worth the effort. (Both companies)
Have you contacted Nic over at Bluejacket…..to see if he has any original stock fittings? He is a real help and can give lots of good advice. They sell some of the best clipper ship fittings……if you don’t scratch build them.


How are you? It's been a long time. Did you ever finish the Flying Cloud that I sent you years ago? It must have been close to a decade ago.

Yes, I have contacted Nic at Bluejacket, although he hasn't responded yet. I am very familiar with Bluejacket quality! In fact, it is a goal of mine to visit them once I regain my stability stemming from injuries.

I wish you a swift and full recovery!
Thanks, Pete! My injuries began in 2014, when I was beaten up by a student where I was teaching. It was in Hartford Public High School. It led to permanent loss of balance, resulting in numerous falls and breaks. But I am almost better, and I get by with a walker. Oh well. At least none of my ability to build models has waned!


How are you? It's been a long time. Did you ever finish the Flying Cloud that I sent you years ago? It must have been close to a decade ago.

Yes, I have contacted Nic at Bluejacket, although he hasn't responded yet. I am very familiar with Bluejacket quality! In fact, it is a goal of mine to visit them once I regain my stability stemming from injuries.

Belay my last. I heard from Nic after I posted with you! He has most of the fittings and will check into the molds for those he doesn't have. He will get back to me.

Thanks, Pete! My injuries began in 2014, when I was beaten up by a student where I was teaching. It was in Hartford Public High School. It led to permanent loss of balance, resulting in numerous falls and breaks. But I am almost better, and I get by with a walker. Oh well. At least none of my ability to build models has waned!

How horrendous! No retribution against the perpetrator can do anything to ameliorate or alter the outcome. Perhaps just prevent that same student from repeating the crime again anytime soon, but that doesn't help you. This is just a terrible thing to hear. The news reports of such things often just say "No life-threatening injuries, the victim is expected to recover..." There is no full recovery from such a nightmare. I can only pray that yours is as all-encompassing as is humanly possible.
I am very glad that you still retain your ability to continue on in this avocation of ours and that it brings you peace and satisfaction in abundance.

Most sincerely, Pete
Belay my last. I heard from Nic after I posted with you! He has most of the fittings and will check into the molds for those he doesn't have. He will get back to me.

I should ask Nic basically the same question. The ventilators alone would be a great help.Thumbsup
How are you? It's been a long time. Did you ever finish the Flying Cloud that I sent you years ago? It must have been close to a decade ago.
Hi William...Oh my word.... It has been a long time. You know....I actually gave that kit to a Nephew...who had been spying it in my model room. Actually, I think it was the Sovereign of the Seas....was it not? I had full intention of tackling her...but my own scratch built Great Republic....and now most recently, Glory of the Seas...has taken over. I helped my nephew....till he moved to Arizona.

I pray, your injuries are not extreme...and that you recover quickly. Sorry to hear. Glad to see you are still active and participating.

Belay my last. I heard from Nic after I posted with you! He has most of the fittings and will check into the molds for those he doesn't have. He will get back to me.

Nic, has helped me in acquiring some much needed details for some of my models. Not everything I build is from scratch...if I can help it.

Love Nic....

I love my 3 book volume. What a resource.
I spent hours just being immersed in Jack Spurling's incredibly beautiful and intriguing scenes. I've even managed to secure some original Blue Peter magazines with Spurling's powerful illustrations on them. Now that I've learned that the original 3 publications have even more brilliant reproductions, I've collected one 1929 volume one issue so far. They're more costly but in my view, some things are worth it.
I picked up my collection in a used bookstore called The Book Barn in Waterford, CT. They do carry an extensive line of Maritime issues.

Unless I'm mistaken, my family have gone to the same place, but I seem to remember it's in Niantic unless there's more now than the original two. The Book Barn we visited is a large two-story red actual barn with a few free-range cats and goats in a pen behind it. It's a marvelous place to visit, almost fairytale like. Unfortunately, the maritime section moved a few years ago to downtown and it's a less romantic setting. Still, they're both fun to visit and I've found a number of rare publications there for very reasonable prices.
Thanks, Pete! My injuries began in 2014, when I was beaten up by a student where I was teaching. It was in Hartford Public High School. It led to permanent loss of balance, resulting in numerous falls and breaks. But I am almost better, and I get by with a walker. Oh well. At least none of my ability to build models has waned!

Damn man! I am so sorry to read about your terrible injury. I hope they threw the little bastard in jail for his assault on you. From your loss of balance it sounds like somehow you have inner-ear damage. Are medical professionals doing any follow up evaluations to see how any of this can be recovered?
How horrendous! No retribution against the perpetrator can do anything to ameliorate or alter the outcome. Perhaps just prevent that same student from repeating the crime again anytime soon, but that doesn't help you. This is just a terrible thing to hear. The news reports of such things often just say "No life-threatening injuries, the victim is expected to recover..." There is no full recovery from such a nightmare. I can only pray that yours is as all-encompassing as is humanly possible.
I am very glad that you still retain your ability to continue on in this avocation of ours and that it brings you peace and satisfaction in abundance.

Most sincerely, Pete

I should ask Nic basically the same question. The ventilators alone would be a great help.Thumbsup

Nic is great. He responded with the full invoice of fittings. I would go ahead about the ventilators.
