French war-ship Saint-Philippe 1693 - scale 1/72 - from Lemineur monograph [COMPLETED BUILD]

I was thinking it might be yours but was hoping to see a new Saint Philippe:)
CRi-CRI, I hope you had a wonderful time yesterday, celebrating your birthday!
Many happy returns.
Thanks WojtasS

I recently decided to add rigging about my Saint Philippe. When advanced, I shall send some pics of final look


That is great to hear. Are you going to make balaying points plan? For unknown reasons authors of Saint Phillippe and L'Ambitieux didn't inculde them in monographs
Thanks all for your kindness Thumbs-Up

There is only one rigging plan included into 1/48 monograph of Saint Philippe, but nothing into 1/72 one,

This summary elevation is also at 1/96 scale (printer adapted) and not enough detailed (sails hide a lot of useful elements for rigging)

I'm thinking of making it out of sails (it seems impossible to keep it realistic on 1/72 scaled model with sails)

Into reference book there is a chapter about this rather difficult part of built with some useful descriptive boards for sizing at 1/48 scale

Fortunately, the conversion calculations do not scare me ;)
Notice that before 1700 the masts were vertical, so any optimization of the sail center is known for a ship like the Saint Philippe

In fact, it was acceptable for the low speed reached by such very large and deep hull :)
balaying points plan? For unknown reasons authors of Saint Phillippe and L'Ambitieux didn't inculde them in monographs
I'm sorry for that statement. I just got my copy of Saint Philippe plans and there's belaying plan sheet. It's plate nr39.
Sorry for that I blindly repeated someone else's information:rolleyes:
My rigging sailed plan at scale 1/96 is N° 45 referenced, and comes from the 1/48 monograph

Two separated sections of print at same scale would be better for each edition, 1/48 or 1/72 - 1/96 was the worst solution

Into 1/72, monograph, there was any rigging draw
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