French war-ship Saint-Philippe 1693 - scale 1/72 - from Lemineur monograph [COMPLETED BUILD]

Simulation of the three ships indicated into the monograph, I don"t like too much such an inesthetic disposition :

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I propose to simplify and suppress the cutter, and even the great canot, what do you think about this change ?
If you would add some tie-downs, it will look a) more life-like and b) esthetically more pleasing.
But keep the three chaloeps or whatever they may be called.
This model of the Saint Philippe, if it remains without rigging, is now practically finished,
for lack of time and especially of space, I think to finish there, and retire from modelism :)
First of all my Congratulations for finishing your amazing model
and mayn many thanks for sharing with us - I will miss the daily updates of your work on this model

But we definitely will not accept your words "retire from modelism" !!!!
especially when there is lack of space -> please build smaller models, but "build"
I am looking forward and hope to see hopefully a new project
Congratulations to this fine model, Cri-cri! Very well done Bottle

I agree Uwe

Wait a time and you will miss the daily routine and contemplation of model making. Smaller ships and boats can also be a lot of fun. I can recommend David Antscherl's book "The Greenwich Hospital barge of 1832 and methods of building open boats". There are a plenty of plans in Chapman's "Architectura Navalis Mercatoria".

Cheers, Alexander
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