Halcon 1/100 first build attempt! [COMPLETED BUILD]

I hope you do not mind me saying that I agree with Noviceok.
Also is there a way you could wax and tighten the twist on the Anchor Ropes.
Just the two small things to change and she will look perfect.
Re the ropes I did try to tighten the twist , cheep garden string had a mid of it's own !
That looks better, altho the rope looks to be a little thick, but if you are like me and making this model using whatever you can find then it is ok and maybe you will come across some rope/twine that will suit it better in time.
Thanks , rope looks a bit thicker in the photos than it actually is , may I say I thought yours looked a bit thin ?
Not happy with the Cannons , so won't be using them .
On to the masts and rigging.
As you probably know I do not have any equipment like a drill, lathe so I make everything by hand.

If you are using wood dowel treat it as if it was square wood and try the following.

What I did was to make a card template of half the cannon and then offered it up the the wood and just concentrated filing away on that edge until I was happy with the shape.
Then I turned the wood to the opposite side and did the same thing, then turned the wood again to a side that I had not filed and did that side.
again the final side.
then when all for sides were done I then filed the edges until they looked like cannons (sort of )
I hope this makes sense.