Hayling 1760 1:48 from Modelship Dockyard [COMPLETED BUILD]

Of course, it is a lot of work to design a new model and I understand that errors can enter the process. But when the errors and ambiguities become too many, I can only interpret it as that there has been carelessness with the construction work and the design of the construction description.
But either way, it's a beautiful model that graces its place in the collection.
My Congratulations for finishing this interesting model
Very good work
Maybe, when you have time it would be great to see some more photos showing some more details but also total ship - would be highly appreciated
Några bilder på den färdiga modellen. Är inte helt nöjd med resultatet. Avsaknaden av utförliga ritningar gjorde det svårt att planera bygget på ett kontrollerat, till exempel lägen på beam eller fästpunkter för den fasta riggningen. Men nu får det vara som det är, jag gör inget mer på detta skepp och går över till nästa projekt.

Some pictures of the finished model. Not completely satisfied with the result. The lack of detailed drawings made it difficult to plan the construction in a controlled manner, for example the positions of beams or attachment points for the fixed rigging. But for now it will be as it is, I will do nothing more on this ship and move on to the next project.


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View attachment 335181
3d printed a sanding wheel that is suitable for sanding frames in my jig I showed earlier.
This is brilliant! The standard drum type from Dremel and others makes a bulge in the middle; very difficult to sand in flat surfaces. I've been going back with a sanding dowel but this would make life easier. Great idea!

Any idea how to get rid of the fouling in the grit from sanding frames? I used the abrasive eraser used for bandsaws, but doesn't help that much. I'm wondering if it is glue+char. I'm throwing away lots of those little drum shaped sandpaper replacements.