Hello Dear Friends.
Let me continue with the captain's cabin and attempt to place it in context for you. I finished its construction and just clamped it temporarily to the ship to show you, its position.
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Yep - you have to look far ahead into the past to spot the captain cabin's front wall.
Let's look a bit closer.
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The front wall is clamped to the FRONT of Bulkhead #10. This is INCORRECT! It has to go behind Bulkhead #10 so that the mizzen mast is in front of the wall. The clearly marked "M" shows the position for the mizzen mast. As it sits now, the wall is clamped directly over and above that hole. I'm just doing it this way so that you can see what it looks like. It is now perfectly cut to size but moving it further back will mean that it will become oversized - exactly what I wanted as I can then trim it down for a perfect fit between the bulwarks.
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Very simple and basic hinges and doorknobs have been added in the meantime. Please note that the edges have not been sanded - that will only be done once the final fitment (which is still a l-o-n-g way off), takes place.
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On the much bigger model of Koos Weestra, he obviously had the luxury of adding more details - something that a bigger scale invariably offers.
I will now try to explain as best as I can how the layout between the two ships will differ:
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This shows how WB #1 was built. The solid red section represents the closed front wall of the midships canopy with the two doors (as it is on my model). The green shows the open grating and solid deck (small yellow section) which then steps up to the next deck which becomes level 2. Then there is another step to level 3 which explains why viewed from the side, my model shows three steps.
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This shows Build #2. The open red section indicates a completely open or partially covered front "wall", the much longer section which will be grated (green), the jump to the captain's cabin in blue and finally the top deck (yellow) - thus two levels only.
I do hope that this makes sense - my illustrations are terrible, I know - but hopefully they will give you some idea of what I am trying to achieve here.