Hello Everyone, Thanks again for the interest you are showing and for your kind comments and likes, it keeps me going through the more frustrating parts of the build and there are many to come, all however eventually resolved.
Today I’ll go through the deck planking and fitting, but first a bit of a rant at Euromodel.
The plans that come with this kit look extensive and they are to a point but cause much confusion. What I hadn’t noticed prior to this stage was that the plans show two versions of the same ship, one supposedly after an extensive refit, the other prior to it. The sides above the gun ports on the model are at least an inch higher on the earlier one and are of a very different design, the later one has flush decks and different fittings, the canons and layout are different as are the stern and galleries. Because I hadn’t studied the plans closely until I reached this point I thought that the difference was only showing the hammock netting in place. I’m sure that the plans tell me this but I don’t read Italian! It was however somewhat of a relief to now understand the plans more clearly. BUT, the bulwarks provided were for the later version and didn’t go anywhere near high enough, it would have been difficult at this stage to extend the side supports, the deck ply was also for the newer version. The gallery castings and canons were for the early version so you are really obliged to build that version. I have managed to eventually modify and make up the side walls successfully, in fact I enjoyed doing them once that I’d got my mind around how, I got a lot of satisfaction doing it but why would Euromodel give you parts that aren’t compatible with each other, didn’t they have someone proof build their kit.
I decided to plank the deck prior to fitting, I haven’t done this before, I always plank after the deck has been fitted but as this bit was designed to be a flush deck and sit on top of the bulkheads edges I thought that it would be easier. The first picture shows the plywood deck not quite fitting. I cut the front part off and made up a new one, I’ll fit them separately; the front wall will hide any join. I’ll be using my selection of good planks so no excuses for poor fitting and finish. The same prep as before and again a three butt change. I’ve shown the sequence so I think that no explanation is needed. I used a .6mm drill for the tree nails and again rubbed coloured filler in, I used a drill this time instead of punching a hole so that it would be neater. One of the pictures shows the filler to be quite dark, this is because I photographed before it had dried, it later looked much more subtle. I sanded and sealed ready for varnishing later, I then nailed it onto the deck, it looks as good as I’d hoped that it would. Next will be raising the unsupported sides, see you then.
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