HMS ALERT 1777 - 1:48 POF - Trident Model -by Stan

you are on the best way to make a great model - very accurate work Thumbsup
The dry fitt fitts well. Thumbsup

Just do not forget to remove the small excess parts, which hold the part inside the sheet before you removed the part (marked in red)
Also helpful to prepare already the small notches for the carlings, which are now round (because of the cnc milling) but should have edges (green are the future carlings)
In my opinion it is much easier to prepare before the elements are fixed permanently inside the hull

Screenshot 2023-05-10 144054.png
"BTW: I cut the hull"
Sounds so simple, but I know very well which kind of preparations were necessary to make this step
And it seem, that you did here a very good job

A warm welcome to the group of "cutters"