Wow!!! Great accomplishment and another milestone in the money pot!

looks very neat and clean. BTW, the bricks look so realistic, I want immediately made mine the same. Please post some pictures of the paint you have used and the recipe mixture! 'Mixed here and there' will not gonna work for Jim
Thanks Jimsky. There is probably many ways to achieve the same result, I just used what I had in hand.
First of the paint: Reeves Gouache paint, I think this is just about available anywhere in the world(I nicked mine from the Admirals supply store, sssh!)

Second: Tamiya Mud colored weathering stick(basically mud colored lipstick

) - not sure this is even necessary, but seemed like a good idea at the time.

The process: very simple, no funny tricks
I smeared the mud stick on to each individual brick and allowed it to dry for a couple of hours. This is probably not necessary, but my thought process at the time was : mud brick = mud lipstick
I then applied the Burnt Sienna with a small brush, straight out of the tube - the area to paint is so small, i didn't bother to use a pallet. While the Burnt Sienna was still wet, i mixed in a minute amount of Crimson onto odd bricks to get a bit of variation.
That's it, as simple as can be.
Sorry Jimsky , no special formula was used in creating these bricks, it really was a here and there affair!