Not to be so long slightly of topic on the interesting building logYes Keef, I need to by Kit N° 1 but I don't find where??
Thank you very much Paul. Your comments are always most welcomeVery nice my friend!
very good result -Bravo!
Great news. You are now on your way! I'm sure we would all be interested in your progress, so will you please keep us informed?Hi, I have by part 1. Now I am waiting for receive it. Best regards.
That is great news my friend. When you start, will you keep us informed of your progress please?Hi, I have by part 1. Now I am waiting for receive it. Best regards.
Bonne nouvelle. Vous êtes maintenant sur la bonne voie ! Je suis sûr que nous serions tous intéressés par vos progrès, alors pourriez-vous nous tenir au courant ? Pas de problème Keef ! Bouillie
Thank you very much for those kind words Hienrich. Yes l am pleased to get this part of the build under my belt. l am now looking into how l shall tackle the next part. l have encountered an issue with the numbering of 3 of the parts of rib 27, a triple rib, where l was intending to start as it is exactly mid ships. At this stage l don't know how serious it is. l am trying to sort it myself but will get in touch with Tom for his help if l can't.That is a challenging part of any POF build, done and dusted, so to speak. You must be well pleased with the outcome - now it's a case of connecting the two ends, but as you have said" the beautiful lines are already starting to show". Well done, my friend.