I am using this waterbased wood glue Ponal Express because of several reasons
1) good quality glue and available here (Austria and Germany) in every hardwareshop - one bottle with (I think 400 or 500 ml) for appr. 5 Euros - enough for one year of intensive glueing
2) strong bound / strength after some minutes
3) hardened more or less invisible
4) with some water you can every time re-open the glue-point

Only on some special tasks I use the superglue special for wood produced by Tidebond - the smaller bottles in the photo
the wood glue from Tidebond I tried, but I am not absolutely happy with the results

for plastic and metal parts I am using some times these glues Woldoclean (tipp by another member here)

I am using this waterbased wood glue Ponal Express because of several reasons
1) good quality glue and available here (Austria and Germany) in every hardwareshop - one bottle with (I think 400 or 500 ml) for appr. 5 Euros - enough for one year of intensive glueing
2) strong bound / strength after some minutes
3) hardened more or less invisible
4) with some water you can every time re-open the glue-point

Only on some special tasks I use the superglue special for wood produced by Tidebond - the smaller bottles in the photo
the wood glue from Tidebond I tried, but I am not absolutely happy with the results

for plastic and metal parts I am using some times these glues Woldoclean (tipp by another member here)