HMS Hood - 1/200 (with Pontos PE) - Build Log

Still on the slipway.....

It's been some time since I posted an update, mainly due to annoying things like work impinging on progress. However, the Mighty Hood is still on the slipway, albeit construction has been progressing slowly.

There will be photos soon. :cool:
Here's a couple of progress photos.

Forecastle.jpegBravo detail.jpeg
Forecastle area FWD of A Turret is almost complete (railings will be the last thing added to the main decks); anchor chains and a couple more air vents to go.
Forecastle are AFT of A Turret is also getting there; a couple of more winches to add and the secondary breakwater to finish.

Bridge Area.jpeg
Also been working the forward bridge superstructure and Admirals Signals platform. Still need to blacken out the command bridge window slits, add additional details including the HACS and 0.5" machine gun mounts, and tidy up some overspray on the shelter deck. Overall, I think, she's starting to take shape. :)